Stormy Quest: Unveiling Spiš Castle's Hidden Relic
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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Stormy Quest: Unveiling Spiš Castle's Hidden Relic Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sk: Nad Spišským hradom sa vznášal temný oblak.En: A dark cloud loomed over Spiš Castle.Sk: V chladnom vetre praskali staré steny hradu, ktoré stáli ako svedkovia času.En: The cold wind cracked the ancient walls that stood as witnesses of time.Sk: Ján a Eva stáli na okraji rozpadávaného nádvorí, pozorujúc oblohu, ktorá sa napĺňala búrkou.En: Ján and Eva stood on the edge of the crumbling courtyard, watching the sky fill with a storm.Sk: „Musíme pokračovať,“ povedal Ján, jeho oči sa leskli dobrodružstvom.En: "We must press on," Ján said, his eyes glimmering with adventure.Sk: „Artefakt je blízko. Cítim to.“En: "The artifact is close. I can feel it."Sk: Eva sa na neho zamračila.En: Eva frowned at him.Sk: Bola opatrná, viac zamyslená, starajúca sa o bezpečnosť.En: She was cautious, more thoughtful, concerned about safety.Sk: „Ján, búrka sa blíži. Je to nebezpečné.“En: "Ján, the storm is coming. It's dangerous."Sk: Ján sa však nenechal odradiť.En: However, Ján was not discouraged.Sk: Strávil mesiace skúmaním.En: He had spent months researching.Sk: Artefakt mal veľký význam pre slovenskú históriu.En: The artifact held great significance for Slovak history.Sk: Vedel, že môže objaviť niečo, čo zmení všetko.En: He knew he could discover something that would change everything.Sk: Musela s ním len ešte chvíľu vydržať.En: She just had to bear with him a little longer.Sk: Po chvíľke váhania sa Eva poddala.En: After a moment of hesitation, Eva relented.Sk: „Tak dobre. Ale ak sa situácia zhorší, hneď sa vrátime,“ stanovila podmienku.En: "Alright. But if the situation gets worse, we return immediately," she set the condition.Sk: Pomaly kráčali cez starobylé ruiny.En: They slowly walked through the ancient ruins.Sk: Vietor zosilnel, šumel cez burinou zarastené chodníky.En: The wind picked up, rustling through the weed-overgrown paths.Sk: Slnko sa schovalo za čierne mraky, svetlo sa menilo na sivú hmlu.En: The sun hid behind the black clouds, turning the light into a gray mist.Sk: Netrvalo dlho, a narazili na veľkú, rozpadnutú stenu.En: It didn't take long for them to encounter a large, crumbling wall.Sk: Ján si všimol niečo zaujímavé – staré rytiny.En: Ján noticed something intriguing – old engravings.Sk: „Pozri, Eva, tu to je!“ zakričal nadšením. Ukazoval prstom na detailný znak, ukrytý medzi stenami.En: "Look, Eva, here it is!" he shouted excitedly, pointing at the intricate symbol hidden among the walls.Sk: Nečakane sa búrka rozbehla naplno.En: Suddenly, the storm fully unleashed.Sk: Vietor hučal, dážď bičoval zem.En: The wind roared, rain lashed the ground.Sk: Museli nájsť kryt.En: They needed to find shelter.Sk: Ján a Eva sa ponáhľali k najbližšiemu vstupu, ktorý ich viedol do neveľkej miestnosti, kde ich obloha už viac neohrozovala.En: Ján and Eva hurried to the nearest entrance, leading them into a small room where the sky no longer threatened them.Sk: „Myslím, že sme tu uviazli,“ povedala Eva, jej hlas sa tiahol cez steny komnaty.En: "I think we’re stuck here," Eva said, her voice echoing off the walls of the chamber.Sk: V tú chvíľu im napadlo, že by mohli byť len pár...