Summer Wanders: Three Friends' Journey in Slovakia
FluentFiction - Slovak - A podcast by
Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Summer Wanders: Three Friends' Journey in Slovakia Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sk: Staré Mesto, Bratislava, v lete bolo vždy krásne.En: Old Town, Bratislava, was always beautiful in the summer.Sk: Ulice boli plné ľudí, kaviarne žili a historické budovy rozprávali svoje príbehy.En: The streets were full of people, the cafés were lively, and the historic buildings told their stories.Sk: V tento teplý letný deň sa v námestí stretli traja priatelia.En: On this warm summer day, three friends met in the square.Sk: Danko, Jana a Matej plánovali svoj letný výlet cez Slovensko.En: Danko, Jana, and Matej were planning their summer trip across Slovakia.Sk: Danko bol mladý architekt.En: Danko was a young architect.Sk: Sníval o tom, že navrhne významnú budovu v Bratislave.En: He dreamt of designing a significant building in Bratislava.Sk: Prechádzal sa po námestí a obdivoval staré fasády.En: He walked through the square, admiring the old facades.Sk: “Chcem objaviť niečo unikátne, čo môžem použiť vo svojom návrhu,” povedal.En: “I want to discover something unique that I can use in my design,” he said.Sk: Jana bola jeho priateľka z detstva a pracovala ako sprievodkyňa.En: Jana was his childhood friend and worked as a tour guide.Sk: Poznala históriu každého kútika v Bratislave.En: She knew the history of every corner of Bratislava.Sk: Ale túžila po dobrodružstve.En: But she longed for adventure.Sk: “Rada by som zažila niečo nové, niečo, čo nepoznám,” priznala.En: “I’d love to experience something new, something unknown,” she admitted.Sk: Matej bol muzikant.En: Matej was a musician.Sk: Hľadal inšpiráciu pre svoju ďalšiu pieseň.En: He was looking for inspiration for his next song.Sk: “Možno nájdeme melódiu v horách alebo v lesoch,” povedal s úsmevom.En: “Maybe we’ll find a melody in the mountains or the forests,” he said with a smile.Sk: Ale v duši mal obavu.En: But deep down, he had a fear.Sk: Bál sa usadiť.En: He was afraid to settle down.Sk: “Je čas vyraziť,” zvolal Danko a trojica sa vydala na cestu.En: “It’s time to set off,” proclaimed Danko, and the trio embarked on their journey.Sk: Cestovali krížom-krážom.En: They traveled crisscross.Sk: Každý deň bol plný nových zážitkov, ale stali sa malé hádky.En: Every day was full of new experiences, but there were small quarrels.Sk: Danko chcel vidieť staré budovy, Jana mala chuť na dobrodružné trasy a Matej občas zastavoval, aby nahrával zvuky prírody.En: Danko wanted to see old buildings, Jana craved adventurous trails, and Matej sometimes stopped to record the sounds of nature.Sk: “Musíme sa dohodnúť,” povedal raz Danko pri ohni na večer.En: “We need to come to an agreement,” Danko said one evening by the fire.Sk: Rozhodli sa, že budú robiť kompromisy.En: They decided to make compromises.Sk: Jedného dňa Danko navrhol krátku odbočku.En: One day, Danko suggested a short detour.Sk: “Počul som o starej kaplnke v lese neďaleko Bratislavy.En: “I’ve heard about an old chapel in the forest near Bratislava.Sk: Poďme sa tam pozrieť.”En: Let’s go see it.”Sk: Jana súhlasila a Matej bol nadšený z netradičného miesta.En: Jana agreed, and Matej was excited about the unconventional place.Sk: Všetci traja...