Supermarket Knight: Aisle Adventures
FluentFiction - Slovak - A podcast by
Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Supermarket Knight: Aisle Adventures Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sk: Bol raz jeden muž menom Jozef, ktorý miloval dobrodružstvo.En: There was once a man named Jozef who loved adventure.Sk: Aj keď žil v bežnom meste, vo svojej mysli bol vždy rytierom z hradu Lokca.En: Although he lived in an ordinary town, in his mind, he was always a knight from the castle of Loko.Sk: Jedného dňa sa Jozef vybral na nákup do miestneho supermarketu, ani netušiac, že tento nákup sa zmení na nevšedné dobrodružstvo.En: One day, Jozef went shopping at the local supermarket, unaware that this errand would turn into an extraordinary adventure.Sk: Keď Jozef prechádzal medzi regálmi, zastal pri sekcií s karnevalovými kostýmami.En: As Jozef walked through the aisles, he stopped at the carnival costume section.Sk: Oči sa mu zaleskli, keď uvidel dokonalý rytiersky kostým.En: His eyes lit up when he spotted the perfect knight costume.Sk: Bez rozmýšľania si ho obliekol, aby zistil, či mu bude pasovať.En: Without thinking, he put it on to see if it would fit.Sk: Vtom na neho niekto zavolal.En: Just then, someone called out to him.Sk: Otočil sa a zbadal Evu, svoju starú známu.En: He turned and saw Eva, an old acquaintance.Sk: Eva sa pristavila, pretože si myslela, že ide o akciu v supermarkete.En: Eva had stopped by, thinking there was an event at the supermarket.Sk: "Do akcie som sa zapojil ako?" opýtal sa Jozef, ešte stále v rytierskom brnení.En: "What event did I join?" Jozef asked, still in his knight's armor.Sk: "Tak poď, obliekol si sa, tak ukáž, čo vieš," odpovedala Eva s úsmevom.En: "Well, since you’re dressed up, why not show us what you’ve got," Eva replied with a smile.Sk: Jozef, napriek zmätku, sa rozhodol ísť do toho naplno a začal predvádzať rytierske pózy.En: Despite his confusion, Jozef decided to go for it and started striking knightly poses.Sk: Práve vtedy pristúpila k nim Miroslava, manažérka supermarketu.En: At that moment, Miroslava, the supermarket manager, approached them.Sk: "Čo to tu robíte?" spýtala sa zdívane.En: "What are you doing here?" she asked, bewildered.Sk: No keď videla nadšené deti a zábavu okolo, rozhodla sa nechat Jozefa, aby pokračoval vo svojom predstavení.En: But when she saw the excited children and the fun around, she decided to let Jozef continue his performance.Sk: Začalo sa nečakané dobrodružstvo uprostred supermarketu.En: An unexpected adventure began in the middle of the supermarket.Sk: Jozef sa rozbehol chodbou a lámal chlieb ako meč, deti sa zbiehali, aby videli "rytiera v akcii," a Eva zobrala prázdne rolky od papierových utierok a začala s nimi "šermovať".En: Jozef ran down the aisle, breaking bread as if it were a sword, children gathered to see the "knight in action," and Eva grabbed empty rolls from paper towels and started "dueling" with them.Sk: Miroslava bola pôvodne prekvapená a mierne znepokojená, ale nakoniec uvidela, ako táto neplánovaná udalosť prináša úsmevy zákazníkom.En: Miroslava was initially surprised and slightly concerned, but she eventually saw how this unplanned event brought smiles to the customers.Sk: A tak sa Jozefov nezvyčajný rytiersky výstup stal hitom dňa, a to bez jediného plánu.En: And so, Jozef's unusual knightly performance became the hit of the day, all without a single plan.Sk: Keď sa deň sklonil ku koncu, Jozef, v šate rytiera z hradu...