Surviving the Tatras: A Tale of Friendship and Bravery

FluentFiction - Slovak - A podcast by


Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Surviving the Tatras: A Tale of Friendship and Bravery Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sk: Jana, Martin a Lukáš boli dobrí priatelia.En: Jana, Martin, and Lukáš were good friends.Sk: Milovali hory.En: They loved the mountains.Sk: Jedného zimného dňa sa rozhodli ísť na výlet do Tatier.En: One winter day, they decided to take a trip to the Tatras.Sk: Bolo to krásne ráno, slnko svietilo a sneh sa blyšťal.En: It was a beautiful morning, the sun was shining, and the snow was glistening.Sk: Skupina sa vydala na cestu s radosťou.En: The group set off with joy.Sk: Po celom dni chodenia našli malú chatku.En: After a whole day of walking, they found a small cabin.Sk: Rozhodli sa odpočinúť.En: They decided to rest.Sk: Kým si odpočinuli, začala sa zmenšovať viditeľnosť.En: While they were resting, visibility started to decrease.Sk: Obloha sa zamračila a začal padať sneh.En: The sky became overcast, and snow began to fall.Sk: Veľmi rýchlo sa zo sneženia stala snehová búrka.En: Very quickly, the snowfall turned into a snowstorm.Sk: Jana sa pozrela z okna a povedala: „Nemôžeme ísť ďalej.En: Jana looked out the window and said, "We can’t go any further.Sk: Musíme tu zostať.En: We have to stay here."Sk: “ Martin a Lukáš súhlasili.En: Martin and Lukáš agreed.Sk: Rýchlo priniesli drevo do chatky a zapálili oheň.En: They quickly brought wood into the cabin and lit a fire.Sk: Teplo z ohňa bolo príjemné.En: The warmth of the fire was pleasant.Sk: Hodiny ubiehali a búrka bola stále silnejšia.En: Hours passed, and the storm grew stronger.Sk: Našťastie, chatka mala zásobu jedla.En: Fortunately, the cabin had a supply of food.Sk: Mali chlieb, syr, a trocha polievky.En: They had bread, cheese, and some soup.Sk: Janu, Martina a Lukáša znepokojoval iba fakt, ako dlho tam ostanú.En: Jana, Martin, and Lukáš were only concerned about how long they would stay there.Sk: Noc prebiehala pokojne, počuli len vietor a padajúci sneh.En: The night passed quietly, with only the sound of the wind and falling snow.Sk: Každý z nich mal na striedačku stráž, aby udržali oheň v ohništi.En: Each of them took turns keeping watch to maintain the fire.Sk: Jana mala prvú stráž.En: Jana had the first watch.Sk: Počúvala vietor a myslela na ich situáciu: „Musíme byť silní.En: She listened to the wind and thought about their situation: "We have to be strong.Sk: Musíme sa podporovať.En: We must support each other."Sk: “Ráno, keď sa prebúdza svetlo, sa pokračovala snehová búrka.En: In the morning, as daylight broke, the snowstorm continued.Sk: Neboli mobilný signálu.En: There was no mobile signal.Sk: Museli čakať.En: They had to wait.Sk: Lukáš mal plán.En: Lukáš had a plan.Sk: „Postavme snehovú stenu, aby sme sa chránili pred snehom a vetrom.En: "Let’s build a snow wall to protect us from the snow and wind.Sk: Zlepší to naše šance.En: It will improve our chances."Sk: “Priatelia pracovali spolu.En: The friends worked together.Sk: Stavali snehovú stenu okolo chatky.En: They built a snow wall around the cabin.Sk: Bola to tvrdá práca, ale bola potrebná.En: It was hard work, but it was...