Swapped Baskets Spark Unexpected Romance
FluentFiction - Slovak - A podcast by FluentFiction.org

Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Swapped Baskets Spark Unexpected Romance Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/swapped-baskets-spark-unexpected-romance Story Transcript:Sk: Na ulici, kde žil Adam, každý poznal malý obchodík s potravinami, kde si ľudé mohli nakúpiť všetko dôležité.En: On the street where Adam lived, everyone knew a small grocery store where people could buy all the essentials.Sk: A práve tam sa začína náš príbeh, keď Adam jedného slnečného dňa otvoril dvere obchodu s potravinami a vydal sa nakupovať.En: And that's where our story begins, when Adam opened the doors of the grocery store one sunny day and started to shop.Sk: Adam bol mladý muž, ktorý miloval jednoduchosť, a tak si svoj nakupovací zoznam napísal na malý kúsok papiera.En: Adam was a young man who loved simplicity, so he wrote his shopping list on a small piece of paper.Sk: Úplne sústredený na svoje potreby, zapamätal si, že jeho košík bol plný ovocia a zeleniny.En: Completely focused on his needs, he remembered that his basket was full of fruits and vegetables.Sk: Keď sa však predbiehal popri regáloch, upútala jeho pozornosť veľká akcia na cereálie, a tak zostal stáť a zapojil sa do debaty s ďalšími zákazníkmi.En: However, while he was passing by the shelves, his attention was drawn to a big sale on cereals, so he stopped and joined in the discussion with other customers.Sk: Eva, mladá žena s bledými vlasmi, ktorá mala vždy dobré srdce, bola tiež v obchode a motála sa pri mäse.En: Eva, a young woman with pale hair and a good heart, was also in the store, wandering around the meat section.Sk: Pod vplyvom svojho zoznamu nakúpila viac ako dosť surovín na veľkú rodinnú večeru.En: Under the influence of her list, she bought more than enough ingredients for a big family dinner.Sk: Nevedľa nej Marian, starý pán a známy všetkým v dedine, láskavo pomáhal Evy rady, ktoré syry sú najlepšie na lasagne.En: Unbeknownst to her, Marian, an old man known to everyone in the village, kindly helped Eva with advice on which cheeses are the best for lasagna.Sk: Avšak Adam, vrátený od cereálií, by nemohol byť menej zaujatý syrmi.En: Meanwhile, Adam, returning from the cereals, couldn't have been less interested in cheeses.Sk: Mysliac, že jeho košík je stále tam, kde ho nechal, bezmyšlienkovito chytil najbližší košík a pokračoval v nakupovaní.En: Thinking that his basket was still where he left it, he absentmindedly grabbed the nearest basket and continued shopping.Sk: A to isté urobila Eva, keď sa vybrala na ďalší regál, nevedomky zobrala Adamov odišlý košík.En: The same thing happened with Eva when she moved to another aisle, unknowingly taking Adam's abandoned basket.Sk: Obeťami nedorozumenia, Adam i Eva pokračovali v nakupovaní podľa cudzích zoznamov, netušiac, že si ich výber nechtiac vymenili.En: Victims of misunderstanding, Adam and Eva continued to shop according to foreign lists, unaware that they had unintentionally exchanged their selections.Sk: Prišli až k pokladni, kde ich príbehy sa prepletali.En: They proceeded to the checkout, where their stories became intertwined.Sk: Adam sa pozrel na svoj košík a videl steblo zeleru, ktoré nikdy nekupoval.En: Adam looked into his basket and saw a celery stalk, which he never bought.Sk: Na druhej strane, Eva, ktorá chcela nakúpiť mäso, sa čudovala nad tým, ako sa do jej košíka dostalo toľko jabĺk.En: On the other hand, Eva, who wanted to buy meat, wondered how so many apples ended up in her basket.Sk: Bol to Marian, ktorý pri pokladni všetko...