The Secret Santa Surprise: A Lesson in Friendship

FluentFiction - Slovak - A podcast by


Fluent Fiction - Slovak: The Secret Santa Surprise: A Lesson in Friendship Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sk: V Bratislave, uprostred snehom zasypaných ulíc, sa v malom čajovom obchode rozliehala sladká vôňa bylinkových nápojov.En: In Bratislava, amidst the snow-covered streets, a sweet aroma of herbal drinks filled a small tea shop.Sk: Práve bol vianočný čas a obchod bol vyzdobený veselými sviečkami a girlandami.En: It was the Christmas season, and the shop was decorated with cheerful candles and garlands.Sk: Marek, láskavý učiteľ s mierne zmätenou hlavou, sedel pri stole s Janou, svojou priateľkou, ktorá strážila svoje veci ako oko v hlave.En: Marek, a kind-hearted teacher with a slightly confused mind, was sitting at a table with Jana, his friend, who guarded her belongings like a hawk.Sk: Na stole ležal pekne zabalený balíček.En: On the table lay a beautifully wrapped package.Sk: Marek, vždy ochotný pomôcť, si v ten rok vybral tepotu ako darček na tajného Ježiška.En: Marek, always willing to help, had chosen a teapot as a Secret Santa gift that year.Sk: Jana si ho ale začala nenápadne prezerať, s podozrením v očiach.En: However, Jana began to subtly examine it, suspicion in her eyes.Sk: "To je môj čajník, Marek," povedala zrazu, jej hlas zmiešaný s divu a obvineniu.En: "That's my teapot, Marek," she suddenly said, her voice mixed with wonder and accusation.Sk: „Pamätáš si, ako som ti ho minulý rok požičala?“En: "Do you remember how I lent it to you last year?"Sk: Zákazníci v čajovni, vrátane Lucie, vtipnej baristky, sa pri pohľade na lekciu života stali tichými poslucháčmi.En: The customers in the tea shop, including Lucia, the witty barista, became silent listeners to the lesson of life unfolding before them.Sk: Marek sa začervenal.En: Marek blushed.Sk: Pravda, bol známy tým, že občas veci pohol z pamäte.En: True, he was known to occasionally misplace things from his memory.Sk: Ale teraz?En: But now?Sk: Najprv mierne zakoktal, ale potom sa vrhol do tašky, dúfajúc, že nájde kúzelné riešenie.En: He stammered slightly but then dove into his bag, hoping to find a magical solution.Sk: „Nie, nie, to nie je ono!“ zúfalo tvrdil Marek, kým na stole nemal rozložený obsah svojej tašky.En: "No, no, that's not it!" said Marek desperately, while spreading the contents of his bag on the table.Sk: Pero, zápisníky, drobné mince a nakoniec...účtenka!En: A pen, notebooks, small coins, and finally... a receipt!Sk: „Aha! Pozrite, je tu!“ zvolal víťazne, účtenke ako dôkazom, že tepotu kúpil len ten mesiac v obchodnom dome.En: "Aha! Look, here it is!" he exclaimed triumphantly, with the receipt as proof that he had bought the teapot just that month at a department store.Sk: Jana pozrela na účtenku a rozosmiala sa.En: Jana looked at the receipt and burst into laughter.Sk: „Marek, ty si skutočný tajný Ježišek, aj bez darčeka," povedala uvoľnene a priateľsky ho potľapkala po pleci.En: "Marek, you are a real Secret Santa, even without a gift," she said, relaxed and gave him a friendly pat on the shoulder.Sk: „Prepáč, mala som veriť, že si už do Vianoc aspoň raz zorganizuješ veci!“En: "Sorry, I should have believed that you’d organize your things at least once before Christmas!"Sk: Lucia neskrývala úsmev.En: Lucia couldn't hide her smile.Sk: Radostne sa pripojila k priateľskému rozhovoru s tanierikom škoricových vianočných...