Unexpected Allies: Adventure and Friendship in Abandoned Spaces
FluentFiction - Slovak - A podcast by FluentFiction.org
Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Unexpected Allies: Adventure and Friendship in Abandoned Spaces Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/unexpected-allies-adventure-and-friendship-in-abandoned-spaces Story Transcript:Sk: Teplý letný deň premenil opustený sklad na miesto, kde ticho bolo takmer hmatateľné.En: A warm summer day turned the abandoned warehouse into a place where the silence was almost tangible.Sk: Slnečné lúče prenikali cez rozbité okná a vrhali na popraskanú betónovú podlahu dlhé tiene.En: Sunbeams streamed through the broken windows, casting long shadows on the cracked concrete floor.Sk: Vzduch bol plný tanca prachových častíc, no zvuky života vonku boli temer nepočuteľné.En: The air was filled with the dance of dust particles, yet the sounds of life outside were nearly inaudible.Sk: V tomto opustenom svete sedel Jozef.En: In this deserted world, Jozef sat.Sk: Jeho tvár bola skrytá v bolesti, keď sa snažil pohnúť nohou.En: His face was hidden in pain as he tried to move his leg.Sk: Jozef bol vždy šikovný a cieľavedomý.En: Jozef was always skillful and determined.Sk: Ale teraz, keď sa pokúšal postaviť, jeho zranená noha ho bolestivo zradila.En: But now, as he tried to stand, his injured leg painfully betrayed him.Sk: Bol odhodlaný nájsť pomoc.En: He was determined to find help.Sk: Jeho mobilný telefón, ktorý by mu mohol pomôcť, bol však bez náboja.En: However, his mobile phone, which could assist him, was out of battery.Sk: Pocit osamelosti ho začínal premáhať.En: The feeling of loneliness began to overwhelm him.Sk: Musím niečo urobiť, pomyslel si.En: I must do something, he thought.Sk: Rozhodol sa prehľadať sklad.En: He decided to search the warehouse.Sk: Možno tam nájde niečo, čo mu pomôže signalizovať o pomoc.En: Maybe he would find something to signal for help.Sk: Sklad bol veľký, tichý a plný prázdnych starých krabíc.En: The warehouse was large, quiet, and full of empty old boxes.Sk: Jozef sa opieral o steny, aby odľahčil nohu.En: Jozef leaned against the walls to lighten the load on his leg.Sk: Odvaha ho poháňala ďalej, aj keď sa v srdci bál samoty.En: Courage drove him forward, even though he was secretly afraid of being alone.Sk: Kroky čoskoro začali znieť príliš ťažko a bol hotový vzdať sa.En: His steps soon began to feel too heavy, and he was ready to give up.Sk: Potom, zrazu, uprostred opusteného skladu, sa objavila Hana.En: Then, suddenly, in the midst of the abandoned warehouse, Hana appeared.Sk: Hana tam prišla, pretože tiež hľadala niečo viac než obyčajný deň.En: Hana had come there because she too was looking for something more than an ordinary day.Sk: Ešte nikdy sa nebála nástrah, aj keď tajne túžila po dobrodružstve.En: She had never feared dangers, even though she secretly longed for adventure.Sk: „Čo sa stalo?“ spýtala sa, keď uvidela Jozefa.En: “What happened?” she asked, seeing Jozef.Sk: Jej oči boli plné pochopenia a odvahy.En: Her eyes were full of understanding and courage.Sk: „Odskočil som si sem a narazil som si nohu. Neviem, ako sa odtiaľto dostať,“ vysvetlil Jozef skormúteným hlasom.En: “I popped in here and hurt my leg. I don’t know how to get out,” Jozef explained in a dejected voice.Sk: Hana vytiahla svoj telefón a usmiala sa.En: Hana pulled out her phone and smiled.Sk: Baterka na jej zariadení bola stále plná.En: The...