Unexpected Showtime: A Festive Bratislava Tale
FluentFiction - Slovak - A podcast by FluentFiction.org

Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Unexpected Showtime: A Festive Bratislava Tale Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/unexpected-showtime-a-festive-bratislava-tale Story Transcript:Sk: V Bratislave, srdci Slovenska, bolo cítiť život, ako sa kľukaté uličky Starého Mesta naplnili farbami a hudbou.En: In Bratislava, the heart of Slovakia, life could be felt as the winding streets of the Old Town filled with colors and music.Sk: Bolo festivalové popoludnie a Lukáš vychádzal na prechádzku, túžiac po zábave a nečakaných stretnutiach.En: It was a festive afternoon, and Lukáš went out for a walk, longing for fun and unexpected encounters.Sk: Mesto žilo, umelci sa usmievali, hudobné tóny sa stretávali vo vzduchu a všade okolo vznikali nové príbehy.En: The city was alive, artists smiled, musical notes met in the air, and new stories emerged everywhere.Sk: Za rohom na Hlavnom námestí, kde sa vyníma ešte starý hodinový veža, Lukáš zazrel postavu obklopenú zvedavými divákmi.En: Around the corner at the Main Square, where an old clock tower still stands out, Lukáš spotted a figure surrounded by curious onlookers.Sk: Bola to Eva, odetá v pestrofarebnom šate, s výrazom ešte farebnejším ako jej oblečenie.En: It was Eva, dressed in a colorful dress, with an expression even more vibrant than her clothing.Sk: Stála nehybne ako socha, zahĺbená do nejakej vnútornej piesne, ktorá bola Lukášovi tajomstvom.En: She stood motionless like a statue, immersed in some inner song, which was a mystery to Lukáš.Sk: Bez rozmyslu a s úsmevom plným chuti zapojiť sa do všeobecnej veselosti, Lukáš k ľuďom pristúpil, zobral do rúk neviditeľný mikrofón a začal spievať.En: Without thinking, and with a smile full of eagerness to join the general merriment, Lukáš approached the people, took an invisible microphone in his hands, and started to sing.Sk: Jeho hlas nebol síce ako ten veľkých hviezd, ale mal v sebe neskrývanú lásku k vystúpeniam.En: His voice may not have been like those of big stars, but it had an undisguised love for performances.Sk: Eva sa však ani nepohla.En: However, Eva didn't even flinch.Sk: Na tvári mala výraz, ktorý Lukáš nedokázal uhádnuť.En: She had an expression that Lukáš couldn't decipher.Sk: Bol zmätok sirotek na jeho tvári.En: Confusion marked his face.Sk: Diváci sa pošepkávali a smiali, ale Lukášov hlas nezakolísal.En: The audience whispered and laughed, but Lukáš's voice didn't falter.Sk: Zasvätil svoju pieseň neznámej spolonáčničke, pričom si vôbec neuvedomoval, že Eva nie je žiadna pouličná umelkyňa, ale obyčajná chodkyňa, ktorá sa práve zastavila, aby si pozrela na svoj telefón.En: He dedicated his song to the unknown fellow performer, completely unaware that Eva wasn’t a street artist, but a regular pedestrian who had just stopped to check her phone.Sk: Evin telefón zazvonil a ona sa prebrala z hlbokého zamyslenia.En: Eva's phone rang, and she snapped out of deep thought.Sk: S údivom a potlačeným smiechom si všimla stojaceho Lukáša a zvedavé publikum.En: With surprise and suppressed laughter, she noticed Lukáš standing and the curious crowd.Sk: "Nemám v svojom vystúpení mikrofón," povedala s mierne ironickým úsmevom.En: "I don't have a microphone for my performance," she said with a slightly ironic smile.Sk: Lukášovi ako by ledva došlo, čo sa práve odohráva, a rýchlo sa rozmýšľal, ako z tejto nepohodlnej situácie vyjsť s česťou.En: Lukáš barely grasped what was happening and quickly thought about how to get out of this uncomfortable...