Unveiling Jozef's Secret: A Violin Debut in the Mountains

FluentFiction - Slovak - A podcast by FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Unveiling Jozef's Secret: A Violin Debut in the Mountains Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2024-11-24-23-34-02-sk Story Transcript:Sk: V malebnej dedinke nemerčenej nádhernými vrchmi Tatier sa začalo chystať zimné školske festival.En: In a picturesque village cradled by the stunning peaks of the Tatry mountains, the preparations for the winter school festival were underway.Sk: Vonku bola jeseň, vietor prenášal prvú snehovú pokrývku medzi starými drevenými domčekmi.En: Outside, it was autumn, and the wind was carrying the first blanket of snow between the old wooden cottages.Sk: Miestna škola, jednoduchá a útulná, bola obklopená rozžiarenými svetlami a papierovými vločkami.En: The local school, simple and cozy, was surrounded by bright lights and paper snowflakes.Sk: Jozef, plachý chlapec, sedel v lavici s hlavou plnou myšlienok.En: Jozef, a shy boy, sat at his desk with a head full of thoughts.Sk: Bol tichý a nenápadný, no vášnivo miloval hudbu.En: He was quiet and unassuming, but he had a passionate love for music.Sk: Od leta sa tajne učil hrať na husle.En: Since summer, he had been secretly learning to play the violin.Sk: Nemal však odvahu to niekomu povedať.En: However, he did not have the courage to tell anyone.Sk: Obával sa, že by sa mu spolužiaci vysmiali.En: He feared that his classmates would laugh at him.Sk: Jeho túžba stála pred ním ako nevyslovená výzva – zahrať svoju skladbu pred všetkými na festivale.En: His desire stood before him as an unspoken challenge—to play his piece in front of everyone at the festival.Sk: Na čele festivalu stála Marta.En: Leading the festival was Marta.Sk: Bystré dievča, ktoré všetci rešpektovali pre jej organizačné schopnosti.En: A smart girl who everyone respected for her organizational skills.Sk: Vždy mala plán a všetko vedela vyriešiť.En: She always had a plan and could solve everything.Sk: Pre ňu bol festival dôležitou udalosťou.En: For her, the festival was an important event.Sk: Chcela, aby všetko prebehlo hladko.En: She wanted everything to go smoothly.Sk: Jozef sa tajne zapísal do zoznamu účinkujúcich.En: Jozef secretly signed up on the list of performers.Sk: Nervozita ho prenasledovala, no hlboká túžba po vyjadrení vlastnej hudby bola silnejšia.En: Nervousness followed him, but the deep desire to express his own music was stronger.Sk: Keď sa Marta dozvedela o novom prírastku v programe, bola zvedavá, kto to je.En: When Marta learned about the new addition to the program, she was curious about who it was.Sk: O Jozefových husliach nevedela nič.En: She knew nothing about Jozef's violin.Sk: Nastal deň festivalu.En: The day of the festival arrived.Sk: Školská jedáleň sa premenila na malú scénu.En: The school cafeteria was transformed into a small stage.Sk: Deti so šťastím sledovali farebné svetlá a ruch.En: Children watched the colorful lights and buzz with happiness.Sk: Všetko išlo podľa Martina plánu.En: Everything went according to Marta's plan.Sk: Keď prišiel Jozef na radu, pocítil trému.En: When Jozef's turn came, he felt stage fright.Sk: Stál na pódiu s husľami v ruke, pohľadom sa otočil k Marte, ktorá mala po starosti mikrofóny.En: He stood on the stage with the violin in his hand, looking at Marta, who was in charge of the microphones.Sk: Náhle sa ozval šum.En: Suddenly there was a noise.