When School Ends, The Real Test Begins: Marek's Path to Hope

FluentFiction - Slovak - A podcast by FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Slovak: When School Ends, The Real Test Begins: Marek's Path to Hope Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/when-school-ends-the-real-test-begins-mareks-path-to-hope Story Transcript:Sk: Slnečné lúče prenikali cez okná malej školy v mestečku Lieskovec.En: The sun's rays filtered through the windows of the small school in the town of Lieskovec.Sk: Vo vzduchu bolo cítiť začiatok leta – a koniec školského roka.En: The air carried the scent of the beginning of summer—and the end of the school year.Sk: Pre Marka bol tento čas nesmierne dôležitý.En: For Marek, this time was incredibly important.Sk: Finalné skúšky rozhodnú o jeho budúcnosti.En: The final exams would determine his future.Sk: Marek stál pred učebňou.En: Marek stood in front of the classroom.Sk: V ruke zvieral zoznam úloh, zatiaľ čo sa mu hlava motala od starostí.En: He clutched a list of tasks in his hand, while his head spun with worries.Sk: Jeho otec a mama sa neustále hádali.En: His mom and dad were constantly arguing.Sk: Každý deň bol plný kriku a slz.En: Every day was filled with shouting and tears.Sk: „Ako mám toto zvládnuť?En: "How am I supposed to handle this?"Sk: “ pomyslel si Marek.En: Marek thought.Sk: Zrazu ho okolo pliec objala Jana.En: Suddenly, Jana wrapped her arm around his shoulders.Sk: „Neboj sa, Marek.En: "Don't worry, Marek.Sk: Spolu to zvládneme,“ povedala.En: We'll get through this together," she said.Sk: Marekova najlepšia priateľka.En: Marek's best friend.Sk: Jana bola vždy vedľa neho.En: Jana was always by his side.Sk: Pomáhala mu študovať na skúšky.En: She helped him study for exams.Sk: Často zostával u nej doma, aby sa mohol v pokoji učiť.En: He often stayed at her house to study in peace.Sk: „Ďakujem, Jana,“ povedal Marek s úľavou.En: "Thank you, Jana," Marek said with relief.Sk: Jana mala ale tajomstvo.En: But Jana had a secret.Sk: Už dlho mala pre Marka city.En: She had been harboring feelings for Marek for a long time.Sk: Vedela však, že teraz nie je správny čas na to, aby mu to povedala.En: However, she knew this was not the right time to tell him.Sk: Marekove myšlienky boli plne zaujaté skúškami a problémami doma.En: Marek's thoughts were entirely preoccupied with exams and problems at home.Sk: Domov nebol práve miestom kľudu.En: Home was anything but a place of peace.Sk: Marekova mladšia sestra Klára sa často správala vzdorovito.En: Marek's younger sister Klára often behaved defiantly.Sk: „Prečo musím robiť úlohy?En: "Why do I have to do homework?Sk: Mama a otec sa stále len hádajú!En: Mom and Dad are always fighting!"Sk: “ kričala.En: she screamed.Sk: Jedného večera bolo doma opäť neznesiteľne.En: One evening, it became unbearable at home again.Sk: Rodičia sa hádali, Klára a Marek sedeli v izbe.En: Their parents were arguing, and Klára and Marek sat in their room.Sk: „Už to nevydržím!En: "I can't take this anymore!"Sk: “ skríkla Klára a utiekla z domu.En: screamed Klára and ran away from home.Sk: Marek vystrašene hľadal po celom dome, ale jej nikde nebolo.En: Marek fearfully searched the whole house, but she was nowhere to be found.Sk: Nasledujúce ráno mal Marek najdôležitejšiu skúšku.En: The next morning, Marek...