When the Mountain Teaches: A New Year's Journey to Remember

FluentFiction - Slovak - A podcast by FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Slovak: When the Mountain Teaches: A New Year's Journey to Remember Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2025-01-02-08-38-19-sk Story Transcript:Sk: V Tatrách bola hlboká zima.En: In the Tatras, it was deep winter.Sk: Všade okolo vládlo ticho, len snežný vietor ševelil medzi stromami.En: Silence reigned all around, only the snow-laden wind whispered among the trees.Sk: V túto novoročnú noc, keď sa každý radoval doma, Jozef a Marta sa rozhodli zdolať vrch, aby privítali nový rok so východom slnka.En: On this New Year's Eve, when everyone was celebrating at home, Jozef and Marta decided to climb the mountain to welcome the new year with the sunrise.Sk: Jozefovi to bol tradičný zvyk.En: For Jozef, it was a traditional custom.Sk: Symbol jeho sily a odhodlania.En: A symbol of his strength and determination.Sk: Ale tento rok všetko bolo iné.En: But this year, everything was different.Sk: Boli už v polovici cesty, keď sa tragédia stala.En: They were already halfway when tragedy struck.Sk: Jozef zle stúpil.En: Jozef stepped poorly.Sk: Pod ním sa zaborilo do snehu.En: The snow caved under him.Sk: On pocítil ostrú bolesť v členku.En: He felt a sharp pain in his ankle.Sk: „Au!En: "Ow!"Sk: “ zasyčal, ale prehltol bolesť a chcel pokračovať.En: he hissed, but swallowed the pain and wanted to continue.Sk: Marta bola vedľa neho.En: Marta was beside him.Sk: Videla jeho odhodlanie, ale ešte viac jeho utrpenie.En: She saw his determination, but even more, his suffering.Sk: „Jozef, nemôžeme pokračovať.En: "Jozef, we can't continue.Sk: Tvoj členok je zranený,“ povedala starostlivo.En: Your ankle is injured," she said with concern.Sk: Vedela, že je tvrdohlavý.En: She knew he was stubborn.Sk: Ale teraz išlo o ich bezpečie.En: But now it was about their safety.Sk: „Nie, Marta.En: "No, Marta.Sk: Musíme ísť ďalej.En: We must go on.Sk: Musím dosiahnuť vrchol,“ namietal Jozef.En: I have to reach the top," Jozef protested.Sk: Potreboval ten pocit naplnenia.En: He needed that feeling of fulfillment.Sk: Ale sneženie zosilnelo a teplota klesala.En: But the snowfall intensified, and the temperature was dropping.Sk: „Pozri sa okolo seba,“ upozornila Marta.En: "Look around you," Marta warned.Sk: „Počasie sa mení.En: "The weather is changing.Sk: Nebude to bezpečné.En: It won't be safe."Sk: “ Jozef si vzdychol.En: Jozef sighed.Sk: Zvádzal vnútorný boj.En: He battled an internal struggle.Sk: Na jednej strane jeho túžba po vrchole, na druhej jeho zdravie a ich prežitie.En: On one side, his desire for the peak, on the other, his health and their survival.Sk: Pomáhala mu prekonávať každý krok.En: She helped him overcome each step.Sk: Sychravý vietor bol stále silnejší, a Jozefova bolesť zhoršovala každý pohyb.En: The chilling wind was ever stronger, and Jozef's pain worsened with every movement.Sk: Už nemohol skryť, že by dnes bolo lepšie pozastaviť svoje ambície.En: He could no longer hide that it would be better to set aside his ambitions today.Sk: Konečne, keď sa dostali na úpätie vrcholu a búrka ich obklopila, Marta náhle zastavila.En: Finally, when they reached the foot of the peak and the storm enveloped them, Marta suddenly stopped.Sk:...