12 Life-Changing Beliefs That Will Unhook You From Abuse Part Two [182]
Flying Free - A podcast by Natalie Hoffman
“I’ve got to share this with as many people as possible.” That’s what I decided when Amie showed me her thought work from Flying Higher. What the heck is “thought work”? Well, I’ll answer your question with a question. How often do you have the same thoughts? You know, the crappy ones. “Nothing will ever change. If I could just get him to see how much he’s hurting me. I have to wait for God to move; I can’t do anything about this. I need someone to come rescue me. I’m trapped. I’ll never heal.” What if you had new beliefs that led to new emotions and new actions and an ENTIRE NEW LIFE? I’m not blowing smoke up your tailpipe. The truth is: You could have all your problems solved right now, and you’d still be stuck if your thoughts didn’t change too. And they don’t on their own. Our beliefs keep us in abuse. It’s only our beliefs that can free us. Thought work is the simple way to break free. Want some clear evidence? I recorded three episodes’ worth—Amie’s story. It’s incredible, and one of many in the Sisterhood. In Part 2 of 3: - Old Thought: I help God change people with my words/actions. - Old Thought: Conversations should lead to a resolution and common ground. - Old Thought: If you love me, you’ll be there for me. - Old Thought: Giving sex to make my husband happy is right and good. - Old Thought: When people are angry with me, I HAVE to make it right. - 5 of Amie’s New Thoughts (these were AMAZING; why do you think I couldn’t stop recording for two hours?) - Bonus New Thought #1: Pushing people to change is abusive in its own way. - Bonus New Thought #2: We can’t expect people to respect our boundaries. - Bonus New Thought #3: Christian culture is codependent. - The FREE PDF DOWNLOAD for old thoughts vs. new thoughts Listen or download the transcript at flyingfreenow.com/182 FREE: I'll send you the first chapter of my book, Is It Me? Making Sense of Your Confusing Marriage. Just hop on my mailing list at flyingfreesisterhood.com/free-download. (I will NEVER spam you or sell your information.) Desperate for real help and safe people who understand what you're going through? Find out about my online education and support program for women of faith at joinflyingfree.com And, if you are an already divorced Christian woman who wants to take back her life and get healthy, have amazing relationships, build a business or career, or even find a good man - check out joinflyinghigher.com