We Are Like the God We Worship [171]

Flying Free - A podcast by Natalie Hoffman

I have a confession. I’m a recovering asshole. Years ago, I had a friend. Her husband cheated on her. Then, he did it again. He kept cheating on her. He wasn’t sorry. Do you know what I told her to do? Stay with him. Pray and stay. Worse, I was proud to tell her this advice. Because I was God’s girl scout, and I knew best. Now, I can easily imagine the grief and further pain my words and assumptions added to her heartbreak. I thought everything was black and white. A + B = C, every time. Life was a math problem, and I had the answer. Boy, did I eat crow (and that’s just one example). But in many ways, I’m no different than everybody else. And there IS an equation that applies to us all: Our thoughts make our feelings. Our feelings make our beliefs. And our beliefs make us. We become what we believe. We are like the god we worship. What’s your god like? And what do you do when someone else’s god says you’re bad? The confession progression: - 5 little “g” gods most people choose from (guess which one I loved) - Real justice versus the imitation - 3 ways to feel only love when people assassinate your character - Being curious instead of an asshole (it takes some work, but it’s worth it) - The Equation, Part 2 (extended cut): Your treatment of yourself = Your treatment of others; Your treatment of yourself and others = Your view of God - Chicken dinners and the future (in case you’re stuffed full of crow too) - My skincare routine (it’s not made of crow, I promise) - Social distancing for smart people Listen or download the transcript at flyingfreenow.com/171 FREE: I'll send you the first chapter of my book, Is It Me? Making Sense of Your Confusing Marriage. Just hop on my mailing list at flyingfreesisterhood.com/free-download. (I will NEVER spam you or sell your information.) Desperate for real help and safe people who understand what you're going through? Find out about my online education and support program for women of faith at joinflyingfree.com And, if you are an already divorced Christian woman who wants to take back her life and get healthy, have amazing relationships, build a business or career, or even find a good man - check out joinflyinghigher.com