If Your Spouse Doesn’t Receive Positive Affirmations

Focus on Marriage Podcast - A podcast by Focus on the Family


Have you tried to be encouraging to your spouse, but he or she wasn't receptive to it? Jim Daly talks to Shaunti Feldhahn and Dr. Michael Sytsma about some healthy perspectives on if your spouse isn't receiving your kind words. Plus, John and the Smalley's discuss how positive affirmations can help a couple build trust and have more enjoyable intimacy.   Find us online at focusonthefamily.com/marriagepodcast or call 1-800-A-FAMILY   Receive the book Secrets of Sex & Marriage for your donation of any amount!   Focus on Marriage Assessment   Listen Anytime   Contact our Counseling Department   Honest Affirmation Can Make Your Marriage Great   If you've listened to any of our podcasts, please give us your feedback.