FMOOD 0062: Take a Week off (From Spending!)

Follow Me Out of Debt | Get out of debt and get into prosperity! - A podcast by Tom Merlino | Tom is inviting you to follow him on his journey to get out of debt and get into prosperity.

It's time to take a week off... from spending! Mark the week off in your calendar, and plan your spending freeze. During this spending freeze, you won't be spending any money at all (with the exception of paying bills). It does take some preparation beforehand, because prior to your spending freeze, you'll want to make sure that you fill up the gas tanks and buy your groceries for the week as well as any other foreseeable expenses.    The week of your spending freeze will easily save you a significant amount of money. You'll be forced to think outside of the box to come up with things that don't cost any money to enjoy. You'll plan meals differently, because you'll be forced to use what you have in the house and won't be getting lazy and calling out for pizza. The money that you save during your spending freeze week can easily be applied towards paying off debt. Do this every month, and you'll put more towards your debt throughout the year than you would if you didn't incorporate spending freezes into your plans.   So, do you think that a week is too long for you? That's okay; start out a bit slower if necessary. Start with a weekend or even a single day, and work your way up to an entire week over time. Once you realize how much money you can save, you'll be excited to stretch this out for the full seven days.   If you liked this show so far, please take a minute to subscribe to the show, rate it, and leave a review. Your positive and kind words are always appreciated.   Visit the website to read my blog and get my latest status updates on my personal journey out of debt and into prosperity!