FMOOD 0085: Your Relationship with Money

Follow Me Out of Debt | Get out of debt and get into prosperity! - A podcast by Tom Merlino | Tom is inviting you to follow him on his journey to get out of debt and get into prosperity.

Your relationship with money should be one of complete control. If you aren't in control of your money, then that means that the opposite is true: your money is in control of you. The best way to control your money - to tell it what to do, to tell it where to go - is to have a budget in place. Your budget is what helps you to stay in control of your money.   Money is an inanimate object. It is not living or breathing, so it should not be in control of you. You must be the master of your money. You wouldn't get into your vehicle and press the gas pedal but refuse to steer the wheel. The result of this action would likely be a crash. Just as you need to be in control of your vehicle because it's an inanimate object, you also need to be in control of your money. You need to steer both a vehicle and your money in the direction where it needs to go. In the same, you also need to apply the brakes when necessary as well as press the accelerator when the time is appropriate to do so. This is how you will arrive at your desired destination, whether you are driving your vehicle or guiding your financial resources.   The best compliment that I can receive from you for this show is for you to subscribe to the show, rate the show, and leave a kind review for the show on iTunes or Stitcher Radio. It really helps to get the show in front of others so that they too can get out of debt and get into prosperity.   I'm also on various social media outlets if you'd like to join me on:   Twitter: @fmoodpodcast Facebook: Pinterest: