FMOOD 0105: College Students and Credit Cards

Follow Me Out of Debt | Get out of debt and get into prosperity! - A podcast by Tom Merlino | Tom is inviting you to follow him on his journey to get out of debt and get into prosperity.

I had a job when I was younger that you may find hard to believe. I was a credit card pusher. Yes, I worked for a company that was hired by banks and other financial institutions to call potential customers to get them to sign up for a credit card. Hey, we all do things when we're younger that we're not proud of, and that was one for me.   The process in place required that I place calls to potential customers, read the script, and if the customer didn't accept the offer, we were also required to provide a rebuttal three times. Our supervisors would chime in on our headsets to make sure that we wouldn't forget. The potential customer couldn't hear the supervisor, but we could. Sometimes the individual on the other end of the phone would cave and accept the offer, but most times they wouldn't. Our commission and other benefits were based on the former, of course.   Eventually, the company was asked to push a credit card for a university. The hook was that the university logo was on the credit card itself. The students at the university were specifically targeted for this offer, and it couldn't have been easier to process accepted offers that day. I wasn't used to this, but the students were happily accepting the credit card offers left and right.   When I reflected back on this memory, I knew that I had to do a podcast episode on this topic. If you or someone you know is a college student (or even in that age range), you'll want to listen to this episode. I personally feel that it's best for someone to wait until they are already established at a full time job or career before making a financial decision as to whether or not a credit card is appropriate. However, I also see the side of the argument where building and establishing good credit could be beneficial when starting at a younger age. I'll go into more detail about how I think you should best handle this particular situation if you do decide to sign up for a credit card as a college student.   The best compliment that I can receive from you for this show is for you to subscribe to the show, rate the show, and leave a kind review for the show on iTunes or Stitcher Radio. It really helps to get the show in front of others so that they too can get out of debt and get into prosperity.   I'm also on various social media outlets if you'd like to join me on:   Twitter: @fmoodpodcast Facebook: Pinterest: