FMOOD 0125: Square Peg, Round Hole

Follow Me Out of Debt | Get out of debt and get into prosperity! - A podcast by Tom Merlino | Tom is inviting you to follow him on his journey to get out of debt and get into prosperity.

Have you ever felt like a square peg trying to fit into a round hole? In particular, I'm talking about conversations that you may find yourself in with people when what they say is the complete opposite of how you think about a particular subject.   I can't tell you how many times I've been asked to give my opinion on a new vehicle that was purchased for $35,000.00 or more, and while I know that I should nod, smile, and exclaim how nice the vehicle is, I can't help but to cringe inside at the price tag. I know the person showing me their new prize is excited, and I really don't want to be the one to burst their bubble.   What's the best course of action? Do you confront your friend or family member and express your disbelief in their poor decision making abilities? After some further thought, I guess the line that I draw in the sand is to give my opinions if the person asking for my advice has not yet signed on the dotted line. Once they've signed on the dotted line and purchased the expensive object of discussion, it's simply too late at that point. You're best to remain cordial and try to squeeze out a congratulatory remark, as difficult as that might be.   Have you enjoyed this podcast so far? Would you mind providing a review for this show? It's super easy. Just go to and follow the simple steps to leave a review. It only takes a few minutes, and it helps others to find this show so that they too can get out of debt and get into prosperity. We'll start a movement, and it all begins with you leaving a review!