FMOOD 0143: Cash Hurts (And That's a Good Thing!)

Follow Me Out of Debt | Get out of debt and get into prosperity! - A podcast by Tom Merlino | Tom is inviting you to follow him on his journey to get out of debt and get into prosperity.

Many of us have become used to using plastic for a large number of our purchases. When we choose to use plastic over paying with cash, the result is that we don't feel the transaction. Because of that, it's easier for us to spend more than we would if we were using cash. This applies if we use a debit card as well as a credit card.   The bottom line is this: using cash is not the same as using plastic. We actually feel the transaction when we hand over cash. We are mentally aware of the loss of cash as we are spending it. This is likely because most of us have made our first income and were paid with cash. We learned an established connection with cash from a relatively young age. When we are old enough to sign up for credit cards, that same connection doesn't translate over when using plastic versus using cash.   Start learning to use cash again. You can do this by selecting a line item in your budget and opting to use cash for the month instead of your debit card (or credit card). Be aware of how it feels to use cash, and be thankful that the pain is there. Cash hurts, and this is a good thing!   Have you enjoyed this podcast so far? Would you mind providing a review for this show? It's super easy. Just go to and follow the simple steps to subscribe to the show, rate the show, and leave a review. It only takes a few minutes, and it helps others to find this show so that they too can get out of debt and get into prosperity. We'll start a movement, and it all begins with you leaving a review!