FMOOD 0174: My Morning Routine

Follow Me Out of Debt | Get out of debt and get into prosperity! - A podcast by Tom Merlino | Tom is inviting you to follow him on his journey to get out of debt and get into prosperity.

There's a lot to be said about morning routines. Setting your alarm a half-hour earlier or even an hour earlier will help you to set the entire tone for the day by getting yourself out of bed and completing your morning routine.   The morning routine in of itself can be pretty much anything that you want to do to get your engines running right off of the bat. For me personally, I enjoy meditating right after I get up for the day. Meditation helps to ground me, and even though it seems like this wouldn't help to feel more awake, for me it does. It's only five to ten minutes of meditation, but once I'm finished, I'm already off to a good start of the day with a clear mind and focus.   I'll retire to my prayer room after mediation to spend some time in prayer and read the Bible for about ten minutes or so. I leave feeling connected, thankful, and appreciative of the day ahead. I follow up with stretching and light exercise. Once I've finished with my light exercise regimen, I do some more stretching. This really gets the blood flowing, and at this point, I am usually fully wide awake after just ten short minutes of light exercise and stretching.   I eat a light breakfast and spend some time updating my journal and doing some reading. I finish all of this and feel much better than I do compared to the days when I blow off my morning routine. I don't always do all of these things in this order, and sometimes I may not get to everything on the list. The point is that it's not about what is done during the morning routine but having a morning routine to begin with. It's truly a great way to start your day and win the day.   If you know someone who may benefit from this show, please feel free to share it by sending them to If you're on Twitter, follow me at @fmoodpodcast for all of the latest tips, updates, and strategies to get out of debt and get into prosperity.