FMOOD 0181: What Are Your Biggest Concerns?

Follow Me Out of Debt | Get out of debt and get into prosperity! - A podcast by Tom Merlino | Tom is inviting you to follow him on his journey to get out of debt and get into prosperity.

What are your biggest concerns right now? What keeps you up at night? What is on your mind more than anything else during any given day?   You could have several concerns, but it's good to narrow it down to a few or even less than a few to keep things more focused on what's truly important. Once you've identified what's concerning you, you'll realize what the most critical issues are at the moment. The next step is to come up with a plan or have an idea for a plan so that you can feel that you have some sort of control over the situation. Granted, some problems are more difficult to resolve than others, but it's still good to at least come up with some ideas of what you can do about it.   If you're married, talk your concerns over with your spouse. You may be surprised to find that your spouse shares some of the same concerns as you do. You can work on things together as a team, a united front. This will help you to feel better almost immediately. Perhaps you and your spouse can address your concerns with a professional together. The point is, don't just wait around and hope that your concerns will go away. Do something about it today.   If you know someone who may benefit from this show, please feel free to share it by sending them to If you're on Twitter, follow me at @fmoodpodcast for all of the latest tips, updates, and strategies to get out of debt and get into prosperity.