FMOOD 0223: What We Can Learn from Ray Kroc

Follow Me Out of Debt | Get out of debt and get into prosperity! - A podcast by Tom Merlino | Tom is inviting you to follow him on his journey to get out of debt and get into prosperity.

The story of Ray Kroc and the founding of McDonald's as a national and international chain of restaurants holds plenty of gold nuggets of useful information. This isn't exactly a rags-to-riches story, however, this is a story of someone who maintained an incredible level of persistence while he worked towards fulfilling his vision of a nationwide (and again, now international) fast food burger chain.   Several times, I've read the book titled: McDonald's Behind the Arches by John F. Love. I've also watched the movie: The Founder. This was more recent when I found the movie on Netflix. If you're reading this after it has been removed from the Netflix streaming movie queue, I'm sure you will be able to find it at your local video store. If you're interested in reading the book, go and check out the availability of it at your local library. That's initially where I found the book, and I've checked it out several times until I eventually bought a copy on   Aside from Mr. Kroc's persistence, he also kept moving forward towards his goals by continually selling and closing. We sell more than we realize. It's not just about selling physical products; we also sell our ideas and concepts to others. Think about a married couple where one spouse is not entirely on board with a plan to get out of debt and get into prosperity. The spouse who does want to get out of debt and get into prosperity will, in reality, attempt to sell the concept. Selling does not necessarily pertain to physical products only.   Mr. Kroc was a stickler for dressing professionally and putting his best face forward. It wasn't out of vain; it was to achieve success by dressing for success, even before success actually comes. Most importantly, Mr. Kroc was also excited about his vision. He let it become an all-consuming entity in his life. He kept his goals related to his vision in the back of his mind at all times, and this allowed him to continuously work towards achieving his goals each and every day. He wasn't afraid to ask for what he wanted or to ask questions related to anything that he was attempting to accomplish at the time.    All of these habits amounted to a level of success unparalleled by most folks. However, if we take the time to dig out the gold nuggets of wisdom related to the way that Ray Kroc reached his personal level of success, we'll definitely benefit.   If you know someone who may benefit from this show, please feel free to share it by sending them to If you're on Facebook, like my page by going to Send a message while you're there; I'd love to hear from you.