FMOOD 0258: How Debt Crushes Us

Follow Me Out of Debt | Get out of debt and get into prosperity! - A podcast by Tom Merlino | Tom is inviting you to follow him on his journey to get out of debt and get into prosperity.

We already know that debt crushes our finances, but it also crushes our spirit and motivation. This is especially true when we're buried under a mountain of debt and can no longer afford the minimum payments. Even the most spirited person will feel defeated every once in a while if the debt mountain is enormous enough.   We need to do what we can to get out of debt (or get it under control) so that we can move forward into prosperity. When we first got into debt, it likely snuck in just like any other bad habit. Perhaps we started with a department store card, moved on to your standard credit card, took out an automobile loan, decided to go to school and get some student loans, and it just went on and on from there.   It was convenient, and we were able to get comfortable with the concept of being in debt. Everyone else was doing it, so why shouldn't we? While I may be taking you down memory lane at the moment, the point that I'm trying to make is that the financial institutions behind the credit cards and loans have been playing this game for a lot longer than we have. They know how to set the traps, and they relish in witnessing us falling victim to these traps.   It's time to go to war. It's time to start winning some battles and allow the motivation to get into prosperity to replace the lack of motivation when we feel like we're trapped in debt. You can do this, even if you feel defeated at the moment. It's not easy to get out of debt, but once you decide that you're going to do it and do the work required to get it done, you will succeed.   It's easy to support this show. If you are looking for some great bargains and like to shop online, check out When you purchase something using that link, even if it's a gift for someone else, you'll be helping to contribute a small amount to keep this show of ours going. Your help is truly appreciated; thank you.