FMOOD 0265: Let's Crush Debt in 2018!

Follow Me Out of Debt | Get out of debt and get into prosperity! - A podcast by Tom Merlino | Tom is inviting you to follow him on his journey to get out of debt and get into prosperity.

I don't personally believe in New Year's resolutions, but that's mostly because I believe that we have the ability to implement positive changes at any time of the year. With that said, my break that I took in the month of December was mostly due to needing to implement some much-needed changes with this show. The biggest and most notable change is going to be the extended episodes. Short and sweet is nice, but after careful consideration, I determined that detailed and actionable is what's truly needed in order for all of us to get out of debt and get into prosperity as quickly as possible.   My biggest goal for all of us in the year ahead is to make considerable headway towards crushing debt in 2018. We may not be able to get completely out of debt in a year, but we should be able to accomplish many of our smaller goals to get us further ahead than we have in the past. Taking action steps and staying focused for the long haul will be what helps us to truly accomplish our goals, and this is especially true as our goals become more aggressive.   I have to forewarn you that this won't be all fun and games. What we need to do in the foreseeable future will require a large amount of sacrifice. We'll reward ourselves accordingly along the way so that we do have some level of fun in our lives, but we're still going to remain focused on the bigger prize: getting out of debt and getting into prosperity.   Welcome to 2018. I'm excited to start this new year with you, and I look forward to hearing about the goals that you are able to meet in order to truly make this a debt-crushing year! God bless.