FMOOD 0269: Use or Be Used

Follow Me Out of Debt | Get out of debt and get into prosperity! - A podcast by Tom Merlino | Tom is inviting you to follow him on his journey to get out of debt and get into prosperity.

When it comes to money and personal finances, will you use or be used? Whether we realize it or not, if we're in debt, we are in a constant state of being used. Every time we swipe that credit card or sign on the dotted line of the loan form, we are allowing ourselves to be used by the associated financial institutions. We're voluntarily entering into an agreement to force ourselves to make payments for a given period of time and pay even more money for this privilege (I hope you are able to sense my sarcasm). This is truly a form of modern-day slavery.   The bottom line is that nobody likes to be used. There's almost always a negative connotation that comes along with the concept of being used. If we take some time to realize what is truly happening when we use the plastic or sign up for an auto loan, we'll definitely change our minds about this concept. We are no longer going to allow the financial institutions of the world to use us and profit from us. Instead, we're going to turn the tables in our favor.   How do we do this? We do this by paying off our debts, swearing off debt entirely, and eventually get to the point where we start to use money for our benefit. We stop feeling comfortable about being in the red and instead shoot for staying in the black. We start investing. We start saving up and paying cash for our purchases. We budget as a way to keep our money in check. We switch from being used to becoming a savvy and smart user of money. Doesn't that sound better to you? God bless.