FMOOD 0291: How to Get Hired at DaDa at the Highest Pay

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Here's how you can get hired at DaDa at the highest pay possible.    I have received lots of questions on episode 290, where I discussed getting hired to teach English to kids online through a company called DaDa. To learn more about the company and to apply, give episode 290 a listen if you haven’t done so already or simply visit to go right to DaDa’s hiring page.   Many of the questions that I have received have been from listeners who wanted to know the step-by-step process to apply, get interviewed, and get hired at the highest pay possible at DaDa. I decided to do a separate episode to answer all of these questions as well as provide you guys with a roadmap to help you along the way if you are interested in applying for part-time work from home teaching Chinese kids English online at DaDa. Once again, the American English version of the website that contains all of the info that you need, including the link to apply, can be found at   Let’s get started from the very beginning. I am going to show you guys how to not only apply and get the interview, but I’m also going to show you what you need to do to ace the DaDa interview process and the demo class in order to ensure that you are hired at the highest pay possible. We’re going to be starting with step one, and that’s reviewing your resume to tweak it for capturing the attention of DaDa’s HR staff.   While DaDa asks for two main requirements, that being a native English speaker and having a Bachelor’s degree, you do not necessarily need the degree. DaDa is looking for people who have any teaching experience with children, and we’re talking any experience. You could have taught Sunday school at your local church for a few years, and this would absolutely qualify you to work for DaDa. It really is that easy. The trick is getting this out in front on your resume that you will be submitting. Tailor your resume to highlight any and all teaching experience that you have, Bachelor’s Degree or not, because this is truly what DaDa is looking for when they are reviewing the thousands of applications and resumes that come in daily. Standing out from the crowd is as simple as highlighting your teaching background, any teaching background that you may have, when it comes to teaching children.   Once you’ve tailored and touched up your resume and prepared it for submission, you will also need to include a headshot photo of yourself. You’ll want to make sure that this photo is as professional as possible. They do prefer color photos over black and white, but a black and white photo will not disqualify you. If hired, they will likely request a recent color photo for your profile picture to be displayed for DaDa employees and parents.  Just use the shortcut link to DaDa’s America English hiring webpage by going to From there, you can click the apply button and upload your resume and headshot photo.   At this point, now you simply wait. DaDa instructs applicants to give them a few days to make a decision on the application, but at the rate that they’ve been hiring, you will likely hear back from them the very next day or the day after. If you don’t hear back right away, don’t despair. I know that they’ve been hiring at a rapid rate, but they will eventually get to a point where they may not need as many teachers, so the time between applying and being contacted to schedule an interview may be longer if that’s the case. At least you’ll know that you’re in queue for when they need to hire teachers in the future.   Step two is when DaDa contacts you, usually via e-mail, to schedule your interview. So, what can you expect? Well, you can expect a Skype interview with one of the HR coordinators who work for DaDa. They’ll want to know more about you, your teaching experience, and they want to get a general feel for how you look behind your webcam. Lighting at this point is critical, and they are also looking to see what internet speeds you’re getting. They want 10 Mbps download and 2 Mbps upload minimum, and they will have you do a speed test to verify this. Once they are satisfied with your speed test and lighting for your webcam, they’ll ask you some questions and go through a process that seems a bit canned, but it’s likely done that way since they are interviewing tons of potential candidates every single day and need a streamlined process to be in place.   My biggest piece of advice for you is to make that all-important connection with your interviewer. Show that you have personality and that you like to have fun. Show them that you are professional but playful as well. And smile… a lot. They want to see happy and excited candidates, and your smile and willingness to make that all-important connection with your interviewer will take you far. Here’s your bonus piece of advice to help you to stand out from the crowd: wear a light blue polo shirt and purchase a USB headset before the interview. You’ll find out why once they make mention of it during the interview. It’ll be worth it when they see that you wore a light-blue polo shirt and already have a functional USB headset ready, and it may equate to a little bump in your per-hour pay offer once they are ready to hire you.   Once you have wowed the interviewer, they will then be contacting you to schedule the demo class. Throughout the entire process in step one and step two, DaDa has been steadily increasing what they plan to offer you per-hour. They start everyone that they’re interested in at the lowest rate, and as you continue to impress them and move forward in the process, your per-hour offer continues to rise. Do you see now why it’s so critical to put your best foot forward right from the get-go? Not only are you trying to get hired, but you are trying to get hired at the best pay possible, and each and every step that I’m talking about here is super-important.   We’re at step three now, and it’s time to schedule that demo class. I would schedule the demo class a couple of days out so you have some time to prepare. DaDa has plenty of training videos that you’ll need to watch before your demo class, and if you schedule your demo class too quickly, you may not have the proper time that is needed to watch the required training videos. These videos will definitely help you to prepare for your demo class, and I will tell you, you’ll want to make sure that you hit this one out of the park. Your demo class is the single most important determining factor of what they will be offering you if they want you to come on board.   You’ll be paired up with an actual student, so you’ll really want to shine and stand out. Again, preparation is definitely key, and you’ll want to make it obvious that you took the time to prepare. The coordinator or QA person will be able to tell pretty easily if you’ve been taking in the content of the training videos, and they’ll know if you took enough time to prepare for your demo class. I can’t tell you enough how critical this piece is to not only getting hired but also getting hired at the highest rate possible. This is your final opportunity to truly wow DaDa, so make this demo class count!   Many of the training videos will mention this, but I’ll just give you some of my own personal advice. Use lots of hand motions, smile, and utilize what DaDa refers to as Total Physical Response, or TPR. Be animated during your demo session, try to make your student feel comfortable and laugh, and show DaDa that you are truly able to keep your student’s attention and teach in the online one-on-one classroom environment. Above all else, make sure that your internet connection and speed is good to great and that your webcam and headset are fully functional before your demo class. While all of this may seem to be overwhelming at first, try not to feel under pressure. Just relax and complete the lesson the best that you can utilizing what you’ve learned from the training videos. It’s not rocket science, and as long as you are relaxed and having fun, you’ll likely be chosen to work for this fantastic company.   Now, if all of this sounds good and you want to work from home part-time earning between $13.00 to $22.00 per hour, don’t hesitate. Go right now to and apply as soon as you can. I can’t guarantee that when you hear this that they will still be hiring, but I can tell you that as of right now, they are hiring at an incredibly fast pace. I hope that this episode provides you with a perfect roadmap to follow to not only get hired at DaDa but also get hired at the highest pay possible. If you’re interested in this, what have you got to lose by applying?   Again, go to to get started, and I hope to see you soon working for DaDa! God bless!