FMOOD 0295: What's Stopping You from Earning More?

Follow Me Out of Debt | Get out of debt and get into prosperity! - A podcast by Tom Merlino | Tom is inviting you to follow him on his journey to get out of debt and get into prosperity.

What are the things that are stopping you from earning more income? While the answers may vary for each of us, the majority of folks will find that they will come across some of the same roadblocks along the journey of getting out of debt and getting into prosperity.   First, you'll likely hear advice from well-meaning friends or family members on the subject of personal finance. Some of the advice is good, but a majority of it is questionable at best. You truly have to filter the advice given, but at the same time, you don't necessarily want to be rude. Simply listen to what they have to say but discern whether or not you should act on the advice given.    I also believe that buying stuff instead of investing in yourself is a definite way to prevent yourself from earning more income. We tend to place great importance on consuming and very little importance on self-improvement. If this sounds like you, do what you can to change this behavior as soon as possible so that you are spending dollars on that which will earn you dollars down the road.   The other thing that I often hear is the following misquoted Bible verse: money is the root of all evil. This is not accurate and likely one of the most misquoted Bible verses out there. For the love of money is the root of all evil (Timothy 6:10). That's the accurate verse, and it paints a much different picture of evil when you are walking away from your faith in order to get rich. God has never said that money is the root of all evil, so if you hear someone tell you this, keep in mind that this is grossly misquoted and know the correct verse.   I would also recommend to have more than one stream of income. Multiple streams of income will not only help you to get out of debt more quickly, but it will also help you when you are on your way to getting into prosperity. Multiple sources of income will always be a benefit to you, and the more ways that you can build multiple streams of income, the better.   Another item that you must be cautious about is becoming too comfortable when things start to go right. You don't want to miss out on certain opportunities because you haven't been paying attention or have been taking a break because you're seeing that things are finally headed in the right direction. Keep plowing through and don't stop until you've fully reached and realized those long-term goals.   Finally, pay attention to your health. Don't sacrifice your health because you're pursuing wealth. Get plenty of sleep, watch your diet, and exercise regularly. Being in debt naturally causes stress, and exercise and proper diet can help to combat stress. Your health is extremely critical, and you want to do everything that you can to keep yourself well.   If you've enjoyed today's episode and would like to help support this show, you can do so starting at just $1.00 a month. Head on over to to show your support today! God bless!