FMOOD 0306: Speak Truth

Follow Me Out of Debt | Get out of debt and get into prosperity! - A podcast by Tom Merlino | Tom is inviting you to follow him on his journey to get out of debt and get into prosperity.

You have to speak truth when it comes to your current debt situation. We have to be real and speak the truth as far as why we are on this journey of getting out of debt. All of us will come across at least one or two road blocks and other challenges along the way that may set us back and derail our progress.   When this happens, it's incredibly important to make the decision that giving up is simply not an option. A large part of how we do this is by remembering the why in all of this. When we speak the truth into the situations that we face, we are reminded of what first brought us to the moment when we decided that we were going to live a different life free from a large debt burden. It's never a good time to give up, and we must persevere, especially when times get tough.   If you've been listening for a while and would like to help support this show, it's really easy to do. Simply go to and select your level of monthly support. Your contribution helps to keep this show going, and even if you're not ready to support the show just yet, it'll still be published for you to listen for free each and every week. God bless!