FMOOD 0343: It's Time to Break up With Debt

Follow Me Out of Debt | Get out of debt and get into prosperity! - A podcast by Tom Merlino | Tom is inviting you to follow him on his journey to get out of debt and get into prosperity.

We've all been in a bad relationship at least once in our lives. We've all been in a situation where our best move was to end the relationship to benefit either ourselves or both people involved. Breaking up isn't easy to do, either. There are the memories, the leftover feelings, and the time invested in the relationship. None of these things are easy to simply chuck out the window.   With that said, this isn't a podcast about love and relationships. It's a podcast about personal finance. It's not romantic and it's not what tear-jerker movies are made out of, but it does share some of the same components.     When we get our first credit card, we have that initial excitement. It's new, it's shiny, and it's personalized with our name right on it. We take it wherever we go, and when we need it, it's right there waiting for us. If we have any trouble, there's even a phone number on the back that we can call to get help any time of the day or night.     It allows us to buy things we wouldn't otherwise be able to afford. Sure, we have to pay it back, but we can do this in small payments, which is a heck of a lot easier than spending all of our money all at the same time. It makes decision-making easier, because instead of worrying about saving up for whatever it is that we've set our eyes upon, we can simply whip out this credit card and take care of everything right then and there.     Ah, but the honeymoon phase only lasts so long. Before you know it, there are tons of others out there just like it, and we don't stick with the same one. We find ourselves getting newer cards with higher credit limits. We realize that we can take out a loan and buy a shiny, new automobile. We slowly but surely get in too deep in this relationship and realize that what we've really done is allowed ourselves to get in deep with debt, and this is one unhealthy mess of a relationship if there ever was one.     It's time to break up with debt once and for all. Doing so will require your attention, planning, and effort to make forward momentum, but once this ball starts rolling, it will continue to pick up speed and power along the way. Before you know it, you will be celebrating a victory and never looking back on this bad relationship except to reflect on how big of a mistake that this was in your life from the very beginning. God bless.