NYC // Andrew Marshall (Billie Eilish)
Food on Tour - A podcast by Food on Tour

There's no way we can cover one of the greatest food cities in the world in one episode.... Or 5 episodes. This week, my guest is LA based drummer, Andrew Marshall. Andrew plays for Billie Eilish and has been touring with her for the last couple years. He's also got a special place in his heart for NYC. We'll be getting into some of his favorite restaurants in New York, "Dignity Dinners" and a glimpse at what catering is like on the Billie Eilish tour. Spoiler... There are A LOT of desserts.
If you want to keep up with Andrew, find him of Instagram at @marshalldrums
You can find us at @food.ontour
Contact us via email with questions, comments, or, most importantly, food suggestions. [email protected]
All restaurants mentioned on this episode are listed on our website,