#131: The Importance of Accountability, with Stacy Tuschl

Well-Oiled Operations with Stacy Tuschl - A podcast by Stacy Tuschl


Stacy Tuschl is a speaker, business coach, and the owner of The Academy of Performing Arts in Wisconsin. She is the author of the book “Is Your Business Worth Saving?” where she reveals proven strategies for pulling entrepreneurs out of a rut and launching them toward business success.

Today we’re going to be talking about how I’m structuring my upcoming mastermind group and how it’s different from group coaching.

Some highlights include:

I went back and forth on how long to do my mastermind group. A lot of masterminds are 12 months, but I wanted to do a jump start 90 day program with 12 women entrepreneurs. I wanted something quick but long enough for the members to see results. (minute 4:00)

I’m going to be structuring the mastermind group with a weekly video call. Every week, we’ll be coming together to share our wins from the past week and then everyone will check in to see if they’ve accomplished last week’s goals. The nice thing about being in a paid mastermind group is there’s a facilitator, so I’ll be keeping track of all this so we can go back and see goals from 90 days ago or maybe just from last week. Some people don’t remember what their goals were, so this is going to help them stay accountable. (minute 5:00)

There is a difference between group coaching and a mastermind – in my group coaching, people are there to get my feedback and they’re coming to me to have me actually coach them. However in a mastermind, you are in it for everyone’s feedback. You will be getting opinions from not only me, but from 11 other women. It’s like having a focus group right there to find a quick answer. (minute 6:00)

Just the higher price point alone is going to get people who are dedicated – they are committed, they are ready to go. This just wasn’t something that I was taking any of the first 12 women that apply. I had to let everyone know that I was looking over the applications that are filled out and then jumping on the phone with each applicant to confirm that they’re a good fit for one another. So, that’s another big difference between group coaching and a mastermind program. You really have to be more selective when figuring out if people are going to be able to work together well. (minute 9:00)


My Book:

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