#134: Setting Yourself Up for Mompreneur Success, with Stacy Tuschl

Well-Oiled Operations with Stacy Tuschl - A podcast by Stacy Tuschl


Stacy Tuschl is a speaker, business coach, and the owner of The Academy of Performing Arts in Wisconsin. She is the author of the book “Is Your Business Worth Saving?” where she reveals proven strategies for pulling entrepreneurs out of a rut and launching them toward business success.


Today we’re going to be talking about an interview I recently did. I was being interviewed for a book, and some of the questions made me think about my journey.  Recounting the story of setting up my business so that I could be successful as a business owner and a Mom made me realize that there are some lessons that I learned that may benefit you on your business or Mompreneur journey.


Some highlights include:


I was a business owner before I was a Mom. Many people start out as a Mom first and then become a business owner, but I had a good 10 years of running my business before children even came into the picture. This gave me the opportunity to set up systems and processes so that my business could basically run without me. (minute 2:00)


My pathway to Motherhood encompassed 2 very rough years for me. I had a stillbirth at 8 months and that was followed by 2 miscarriages. I knew I wanted children desperately, but it took much longer than I would have liked to make this dream a reality. Looking back on those 2 years, I realize that it was some of the most difficult times I have experienced. (minute 4:00)


My 4th pregnancy gave me my daughter Tanner. Because I had taken the time put systems in place in my business and had it running without me prior to her birth, I was able to take 6 months off after she was born. That was such a treasured time because it allowed me to enjoy her without being distracted with my business. If you have the opportunity to take some time off like this, I highly recommend it. (minute 7:00)


Transitioning to a Mompreneur wasn’t the easiest thing for me. Mom guilt is tough! I am a workaholic and I don’t think I am well suited to just be a stay at home Mom. So by the time my daughter was 6 months old, I wanted to challenge myself and return to my business. I needed this for me. It took awhile to figure out what the right solution was. We tried a live in Nanny, and that didn’t work. I tried day care once a week, and that seemed to be a better option. So, we went to 3 day a week daycare, and eventually this, along with some help from my husband and family was able to strike exactly the right balance for me as a Mompreneur. (minute 9:00)


There isn’t one right solution that will work for everyone. You have to do what is right for your family. Experiment and continue working on solutions that will help optimize your schedule and keep your family and your business in balance. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. What you do is valuable to your family and to the community that you serve. Don’t think that your work needs to take a backseat to your husband’s job or everyone else’s schedule. Give it the priority and the place of value that it deserves, and then get the help you need to make it work for your family!


Don’t forget to act quickly if you want to join our mastermind. We only have space for 12 and we are filling up fast. Email me right away if you are interested - [email protected] or message me on Facebook to inquire if we still have openings.




My book:


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