#146: Strategies for Being Well-Connected in Your Niche, with Jared Kleinert

Well-Oiled Operations with Stacy Tuschl - A podcast by Stacy Tuschl


Jared Kleinert has been named USA Today's most connected millennial. He is an entrepreneur, Ted and keynote speaker and an author. After years of identifying and connecting thousands of the world's smartest and most talented millennials, his first book, “2 Billion under 20”, was voted number the one entrepreneurship book of 2015.He has become a marketing and business development consultant forVenture-Backed Startups, Fortune 500 companies, New York Times best selling authors and many others. He has been featured by most major media outlets, such as National Fox, EDC, Washington Post, Forbes Fortune and many others.He has also been named a champion for humanity by the United Nations. He has just released his latest book, “3 Billion Under 30”


In this episode, Jared talks to Stacy about his latest book and how it compares to his first one. He also discusses his motivations, business strategies and his vision for the future.


Some highlights include:



I, instead, wanted to be like this super connector character... and started meeting other entrepreneurs and assumed the role of connector within my own entrepreneurial community.” At minute 6.34, Jared talks about his vision, when starting out as an entrepreneur.


“It was really first person accounts, very intimate stories and it was a multi- disciplinary voice...”  At minute 9.10, Jared talks about the detailed, first person accounts in his unique first book, “2 Billion Under 20”.


The difference, really, was in the actual experiences...” From minute 10.50, Jared talks about the difference between his first and second books.


I'm a connector, I learned a lot of this from David...I really built this skill set of being able to bring different ideas and people together to accomplish bigger things for society and in business.” From minute 15.45 Jared talks about his greatest strengths.


In order to get the book made, it took thousands of emails and calls and different things like that to get seventy five people to agree to making the book...” From minute 21.31, Jared shares what it means to have two hundred people helping him with his book.


After someone buys the book right now, they get sent to this 'thank you' page.... that has the potential to create a viral loop of sorts, where, in order to get these bonuses, someone has to really learn about what we're doing and share it on social media and so that creates more marketing for us as well.” At minute 29.00, Jared talks about his after sales business.


I would say, just be cautious about your decision making...”  From minute 31.50, Jared shares some advice for entrepreneurs wanting to get to the next level.


The long-term vision is to be able to help as many people as possible to act on their passions in life and unite them in solving the biggest and most pressing problems of our time.” At minute 32.44, Jared talks about the long term vision behind his books.