#165: Private Coaching, Group Coaching or Masterminds? Which One is Right for You?

Well-Oiled Operations with Stacy Tuschl - A podcast by Stacy Tuschl


Stacy Tuschl is a speaker, business coach, and the owner of The Academy of Performing Arts in Wisconsin. She is the author of the book “Is Your Business Worth Saving?” where she reveals proven strategies for pulling entrepreneurs out of a rut and launching them toward business success.


If you're considering doing an online coaching course, or a Mastermind and would like to know the difference between all the programs out there, you will gain a lot from listening to today's show. Stacy realizes that there are so many people out there who have never had any kind of coaching before, so today she wants give you the information that you need, in order to make those decisions.


Stacy has been in business for a long time and she's been going to Masterminds and participating in coaching courses for eleven years, so she would like to share what she's learned to help you to understand the difference between Masterminds, Group Coaching and Private Coaching, so listen in to find out more.


Some highlights include:


  • “Masterminds are all the rage right now...” From minute 1.13, Stacy explains the difference between free and paid Masterminds.
  • “Now let's start with the free ones.” From minute 1.52, Stacy talks about free masterminds.
  • “As I've decided to leave the Mastermind...” From minute 2.18, Stacy talks about the need for strong leadership in Masterminds.
  • “If you want to do a free Mastermind...” At minute 3,08, Stacy explains what you need to have in place, if you want to do a free Mastermind.
  • “Let me even backtrack here...” From minute 3,24, Stacy explains what a Mastermind is.
  • “But understand that this person...” From minute 5.08, Stacy explains the role of a facilitator at a Mastermind.
  • “So that is why group coaching...” At minute 8.42, Stacy explains why Group Coaching has become more popular.
  • “I typically pay for private...” At minute 10.32, Stacy talks about her choice to pay for private coaching.
  • “You're sharing the expert in Group Coaching.” At minute 10.48, Stacy explains the difference between Private and Group Coaching.
  • “What's the best use of my time here?” At minute 11.17, Stacy talks about how to choose between Private Coaching, Group Coaching and Masterminds.
  • “How can you utilize the Group Coaching...” At minute 12.16, Stacy explains how you can make the most of Group Coaching.
  • “Those two things have brought me...” At minute 13.18, Stacy explains how she really benefits from investing in Private Coaching and Masterminds.


Don't miss this episode! It will save you valuable time and money in your next development endeavor!