#173: What Tasks You Should be Delegating and How to Make It Happen, with Stacy Tuschl

Well-Oiled Operations with Stacy Tuschl - A podcast by Stacy Tuschl


Stacy Tuschl is a speaker, business coach, and the owner of The Academy of Performing Arts in Wisconsin. She is the author of the book “Is Your Business Worth Saving?” where she reveals proven strategies for pulling entrepreneurs out of a rut and launching them toward business success.


Are you an architect, or are you an intern in your business? Stacy wants to know and she can guarantee that you're doing more in your business than you should be doing. She says that she's doing more in her business than she should be and she's working on it and wants you to do that too. Listen in today to find out what she advises.


On today's show, Stacy talks about the tasks you need to be doing and the tasks that you need to be weeding off your plate. She also talks about what you need to be delegating to someone else. Stacy, who has been an entrepreneur for almost fifteen years, as well as being a high-performance Business Coach and a best-selling author, says that you really shouldn't worry if you don't think you have the money to hire someone, as she has a really great way around that. Listen in today and find out what you can do.


Some highlights include:

“A hundred percent of my coaching clients, including myself, are either overwhelmed right now, have been overwhelmed recently, or will be overwhelmed.” From minute 2:33, Stacy talks about being overwhelmed in your business and figuring out how to get through it.

“Yesterday, I shared James Wedmore's free video series.” From minute 1:49, Stacy talks about James Wedmore and what you'll gain from watching his crazy good video series.

“So I would love to hear from you, definitely please post in the chat, post in the comments.” At minute 2:50, Stacy asks you to let her know if you are overwhelmed right now.

“I want to help you figure out and separate this into three lists.” From minute 3:16, Stacy wants you to make lists to figure out what you're going to do, what you're going to delete and what you're going to delegate.

“So I use what I call 'parking lots'.” From minute 3:35, Stacy explains about her idea of 'parking lots'.

“So how do we know what is urgent?” At minute 3:55, Stacy explains the importance of your Ninety Day Goals.

“You can now decide if you even have anything that you have to continue to do with this, for your 'to do' now.” From minute 5:06, Stacy talks about removing things off of your 'to do' list.

“Then the last step is delegation.” From minute 5:52, Stacy talks about delegation.

“If you don't have time to train...” From minute 6:14, Stacy explains how few tasks there are in your business that can only be done by you.

“I've created a free download that I would love for you to check out.” At minute 6:48, Stacy talks about her free download, to help you figure out what to delegate.

“When you hire somebody, you're going to put more work on your 'to do' list.” At minute 7:35, Stacy talks about what hiring someone will entail.

“Prep like you're heading out on a vacation.” At minute 7:55, Stacy gives a great tip for being prepared, when training someone.

“No money, right?” From minute 8:23, Stacy talks about how you really can afford virtual assistance.

“There are pros and cons.” From minute 9:16, Stacy talks about the pros and cons to hiring a Virtual Assistant.

“And then our next position, I think for me personally, is going to be somebody in Customer Service.” From minute 10:59, Stacy talks the real value in having somebody to do her Customer Service.

“So I'm using this new software...” From minute 12:36, Stacy talks about her new software (ecamm, for $30) and why it really excites her.



www.shesbuildingherempire.com/bbd – For James Wedmore's free video series. 

www.shesbuildingherempire.com/173download – For Stacy's free download about delegating.



Book: Virtual Freedom by Chris Ducker