#174: How to Pre-sell Your Next Course, with Stacy Tuschl

Well-Oiled Operations with Stacy Tuschl - A podcast by Stacy Tuschl


Stacy Tuschl is a speaker, business coach, and the owner of The Academy of Performing Arts in Wisconsin. She is the author of the book “Is Your Business Worth Saving?” where she reveals proven strategies for pulling entrepreneurs out of a rut and launching them toward business success.


Do you know how much you can benefit from pre-selling a product? The idea of pre-selling something that doesn't even exist yet can be scary and many people don't fully understand what it's all about, so today Stacy talks about launching that product and she takes you through a five step launch process. Listen in to find out more.


On today's show, Stacy recaps the bridge analogy that James Wedmore talked about in his last video. Stacy says that the James Wedmore Series is that good that everybody is bringing it up and that Video 2 was released yesterday.  Listen in today as Stacy explains and clarifies the launch process.


Some Highlights Include:


“I want you to picture a river, right...” At minute 1:36, Stacy asks you to create a mental picture.

“Now I love this analogy because it's exactly what we do in our business.” At minute 1:44, Stacy explains the analogy.

“So we need to basically stick with one bridge...” From minute 2:15, Stacy talks about creating complete sales funnels.

“And the biggest reason I want you to pre-sell...” From minute 3:14, Stacy explains why she wants you pre-sell.

“We either think that we're lying to people by pre-selling, or we're nervous because we won't finish in time.” From minute 4:13, Stacy talks about some problems that women tend to have with pre-selling.

“How do you sell something when you don't necessarily know what it's going to look like.” From minute 6:40, Stacy explains the process of pre-selling.

“And they give me feedback, I'm able to make the next modules better.” At minute 7:28, Stacy explains the value in getting feedback.

“Now I did create a download for you.” At minute 8:12, Stacy tells you where you can access her free download of the five-step launch process.

“So here's the five-step process to creating this product.” From minute 8:44, Stacy explains the five-step process.

“James had this amazing calculator alongside that video...” From minute 12:07, Stacy explains something that she loved about James's video.



James Wedmore's Video 2: www.shesbuildingherempire.com/dvd

For your free download: www.shesbuildingherempire.com/174download