#177: Day 1 Challenge - Launched in 90 Days with Stacy Tuschl

Well-Oiled Operations with Stacy Tuschl - A podcast by Stacy Tuschl


Stacy Tuschl is a speaker, business coach, and the owner of The Academy of Performing Arts in Wisconsin. She is the author of the book “Is Your Business Worth Saving?” where she reveals proven strategies for pulling entrepreneurs out of a rut and launching them toward business success.


Has this ever happened to you?
An idea sparked in your mind. Light-bulb moment. Goosebumps all over your body just by thinking of the impact it’s going to have. You fervently start working on the idea as it seems to be everything you’ve ever dreamed about. You do some basic research, create a plan, set goals and dates…you’re basically right on track to turn it into a living reality…and then it all dies.


The burst of flame. The motivation. The dream. All those rough outlines, plans and deadlines start to haunt you. Even when you force yourself to work, you can’t do it. You find yourself coming up with new excuses every time you even think about it. It’s like all of a sudden you’ve lost your interest in that “passion” project and it all turns into a forced task. So you just leave it…unfinished…
test - Stacy, this is what I see so many entrepreneurs doing when they decide to create an online product or program and launch it.

They go into the product/course creation or launch mode with full force…only to feel bored or get sidetracked after a little while. But if you’re serious about your online business (and the dreams associated with it) and are committed to making it work, then you can’t afford to fall prey to this cycle of gloom & doom, can you? And that brings me to Day 1 of the “Launched in 90 Days” challenge.

A launch without a vision is just a series of tasks that you HAVE to do no matter what. If you don’t have a driving force behind your launch, it can turn into a messy business experience…leaving you more frazzled than before.
With a clear vision in sight, even the toughest tasks get done like a breeze. Because now you are well aware of the importance of each milestone and the change it’s going to bring.
So let’s take a look at today’s assignment, shall we?

  1. How much income are you hoping to bring in through this launch? 
  2. How will this launch help you impact your audience on a larger scale? 
  3. List 3 ways your launch will help you become an authority in your respective industry. 
  4. What kind of lifestyle changes do you see this launch bringing about for you?


  1. Answer the questions above. 
  2. Share your answers in the FB group with the hashtag #Launchedin90 #Day1 to be entered for a chance to win our contest. (Grand prize valued at $997) 
  3. Tune in at Noon CST to watch the LIVE class in She’s Building Her Empire Community.

You can do ANYTHING you set your mind to, so stretch your imagination and dream BIG.
There’s no reason you can’t achieve what you’ve not achieved up until now.

See you in the Facebook Group!