#189: 5 Things NOT to do With Facebook Messenger Marketing

Well-Oiled Operations with Stacy Tuschl - A podcast by Stacy Tuschl


In today’s episode, we are wrapping up the series on Facebook Messenger Marketing by talking about 5 things not to do on Messenger. Facebook Messenger has open rates as high as 90%, which is great by any standard but especially compared to email marketing.


We’ve already talked about what Facebook Messenger Bots are and some free ways to use the Facebook messenger bots, as well as how to scale what you are doing with some paid strategies. So today, we’re steering you around some of the pitfalls of Facebook Messenger.


  1. Don’t set up your first Messenger Bot and then not engage. You don’t just want to accumulate a bunch of names on your Messenger list, and then never send them anything or engage with them. The idea isn’t to have the biggest list, but the most engaged list.
  2. You don’t want your messages to feel like a Bot. Make sure people know how they can get engagement from you when the bot isn’t meeting their needs. You can’t do “set it and forget it” automation on this. You need to manage it.


  1. Don’t mess up the first sentence. Your first sentence needs to be intriguing enough to get someone to open it. My best opener has been. “Hey XXX, I know you mentioned you want to get updates on this..” My lowest open rate (80%) was “Hey XXX, just a friendly reminder that….”. Make sure you are intriguing enough for them to open the message.


  1. Don’t put someone on your list and bombard them with messages. There is a balance between too little and too much. 


  1. Don’t treat Messenger like email. It’s not email. Most people are looking at messenger on their phone. Keep it short and sweet! Emoji’s in the text help break the text up and are more desirable.


  1. BONUS - Don’t send them a promotional link and broadcast it to everyone. Get them to click below or comment below to get more information. Facebook needs to see that there has been engagement in the last 24 hours before you send them a link.


Facebook Messenger Marketing will work if you do it properly. So, don’t be afraid to get started and have real conversations with your audience.


You can learn how to do this on your own, and figure it out. Or you can outsource it to someone and it may cost over $1000/month on a retainer basis. Or you can jump on my Bot Basics training next week. It’s only $97! You’ll have your first bot set up by the end of the training and I’ll be personally checking out the funnels and testing everything myself!


No matter what option you choose, you need to get started asap!


Sign up for Bot Basics at bit.ly/botbasics


Also, you may have heard about Her Marketing Lab and they are following along with all of my experiments with marketing. The bonuses alone are worth the price of the program! There’s so much in this program, and you can get all the details at bit.ly/hermarketinglab