#190: Facebook Groups: Should You or Shouldn't You? with Stacy Tuschl

Well-Oiled Operations with Stacy Tuschl - A podcast by Stacy Tuschl


Stacy Tuschl is a speaker, business coach, and the owner of The Academy of Performing Arts in Wisconsin. She is the author of the book “Is Your Business Worth Saving?” where she reveals proven strategies for pulling entrepreneurs out of a rut and launching them toward business success.

Are you wondering whether or not to shut your Facebook Group down? Or perhaps you're wondering whether to start a one or not. Have you seen that people are closing down their Facebook Groups lately? Stacy wonders if you have, or if it's just her who's been noticing that. Well, today, we're talking about starting Facebook groups, when you're seeing that everyone else seems to be closing their's down. We will also be chatting about a cool opportunity, as Stacy will be offering some giveaways at the end of the show. Listen in right to the end today, to find out what the giveaways are all about. 

Some highlights include:

“The first person that I saw was Kimber Luna.” From minute 1:32, Stacy mentions some of the Facebook Groups that she's seen shutting down, and why.

“Here's the problem that I see.” From minute 2:15, Stacy discusses a problem that she sees time and time again, as an entrepreneur.

“I truly believe that you should not be shutting down your Facebook Group.” From minute 2:45, Stacy explains why she believes that you really should not be shutting your Facebook Group down, or not be holding yourself back from starting one.

“One thing to know about Facebook...” From minute 3:26, Stacy explains five things that you really should know, that Facebook has recently announce

“Number one is Group Insights.” From minute 4:35, Stacy gives the five things that you should know about, on Facebook, which are really community management features.

“So, Group insights for admins...” From minute 5:23, Stacy explains about Group Insights for admins, ways to do that and also why you should be doing it.

“Number two, Removed Member Clean-up...” From minute 6:36, Stacy explains why Removed Member Clean-up is really great.

“Now number three is the Scheduled Posts.” From minute 8:34, Stacy talks about the benefits of using Scheduled Posts.

“So, Group To Group Linking, number four...” From minute 9:44, Stacy talks about why you would really want to use Group To Group Linking.

“The last one, Member Requests Filtering.” From minute 11:22, Stacy explains what's really cool about using Member Requests Filtering, particularly when things start snowballing.

“Definitely check out a recent podcast that we did not too long ago, episode 173 (on shesbuildingherempire.com, or on iTunes), all about delegating.” From minute 13:50, Stacy discusses the benefits of delegating effectively.

“Those of you that are thinking 'I don't really care about Facebook Groups'...” From minute 14:57, Stacy explains why you really should care about Facebook Groups and building a community of like-minded people.

“I have had some incredible mentors...” From minute 16:08, Stacy talks about the real value of having mentors.

“So I want to give some people the opportunity to actually win a membership...” From minute 16:40, Stacy talks about your chance to win membership opportunities, on the show- and also that any person who applies is going to win one of her training from Her Marketing Lab, worth $97! This is to really encourage you to apply.

“I honestly believe that when you give and when you are generous...” From minute 19:17, Stacy explains why she's encouraging you to donate your skills or your time.



To apply for Stacy's contest, go to: bit.ly/labcontest. Do it soon, as it may not be there for very long!

Go to Stacy's Facebook group to find out about her “Work Smarter Not Harder” Series, which will be aired every Wednesday in July, at noon central.