#191: Getting Back Into Work Mode After a Vacation with Stacy Tuschl

Well-Oiled Operations with Stacy Tuschl - A podcast by Stacy Tuschl


Stacy Tuschl is a speaker, business coach, and the owner of The Academy of Performing Arts in Wisconsin. She is the author of the book “Is Your Business Worth Saving?” where she reveals proven strategies for pulling entrepreneurs out of a rut and launching them toward business success.

Happy 4th of July! Summer is really such an enjoyable time of year, yet even while there are so many fun things to do, you still know that you can't let your business suffer while all of this is happening. So, today, is going to be a really fun episode where, after the holiday weekend, we're going to be talking about “How do I get back into that work mode?” Stacy is really excited to be diving into that and talking about how to really enjoy the Summer, without working all of these crazy hours- and how to still manage to get it all in. At the end of today's show, she will explain all about her new contest. Listen in today, to find out how to work smarter and not as much as you may be doing in the Winter.

Today, at the end of the show, Stacy will be doing a big contest giveaway for the Group Coaching Program, Her Marketing Lab, where you will get the details of how to apply and when the deadline will be. Listen in to today's show and find out how to really enjoy your summer and get the most out of what you're doing.

Some highlights include:

“So, for me, I'm working Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.” From minute 2:36, Stacy explains that she schedules her work for when her kids are away from home.“How I'm able to do as much as I am, without Tuesdays and Thursdays. From minute 3:24, Stacy explains how she is able to fit in everything she needs to do, without working on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

“How I'm able to do as much as I am, without Tuesdays and Thursdays. From minute 3:24, Stacy explains how she is able to fit in everything she needs to do, without working on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

“So I'm going to talk about my mornings.” From minute 5:07, Stacy explains how her mornings are structured to assist her with her productivity and also, that you will need to customize your mornings, to suit your specific needs.

“So what does my morning look like when I wake up at 5.30.” From minute 7:18, Stacy talks about her early morning routine and how she uses her Muse Headband to meditate.

“I have my personal mission statement of what I am on this earth here to do.” From minute 10:07, Stacy talks about her regular morning affirmations and how she really makes them work for her.

“ I woke up at 5.30 and I was definitely a little tired.” From minute 13:34, Stacy talks about listening to your body and still managing to be productive.

“So what do I do with my time during these days.” From minute 15:32, Stacy talks about how she makes the best use of her time during her three full work days.

“So next week Wednesday, we're going to be talking about what you should be doing.” From minute 17:36, Stacy talks about what she will be covering on next Wednesday's episode.

“I will use those three minutes here, or five minutes there, to actually be productive.” From minute 19:02, Stacy talks about not wasting any time and really making the best use of the time you have.

“I will use those three minutes here, or five minutes there, to actually be productive.” From minute 19:02, Stacy talks about not wasting any time and really making the best use of the time you have.

“Just take some time off for you.” From minute 20:59, Stacy talks about the importance of taking some time off, just for yourself.

“I have my first In Person Retreat.” From minute 22:17, Stacy talks about her In Person Retreat, coming up next week, at her home.

“And then week four, the last Wednesday of the month, we're going to be doing a Q & A.” From minute 22:42, Stacy talks about the Q & A that she'll be doing on the last Wednesday of this month.

“On episode 176, I interviewed Bob Burg.” From minute 25:38, Stacy encourages you to listen to her interview with Bob Burg, to help you to get to know your value.

“I'm doing a contest where I'm giving away my free Group Coaching Program.” From minute 26:08, Stacy talks about her contest, where she's giving away her Group Coaching Program, Her Marketing Lab, for free. The deadline will be Tuesday, at noon central. Here's the link: www.bit.ly/

Here's the link: www.bit.ly/labcontest