#193: Working Smarter, Not Harder: Confessions from the Profit Mastermind with Stacy Tuschl

Well-Oiled Operations with Stacy Tuschl - A podcast by Stacy Tuschl


Today is an extra special day, because we are live, in my home, with eight other women! They are here for the Profit Mastermind Retreat. The Profit Mastermind is a ninety-day program that I launched back in May. Some of the women in it upgraded to a special retreat- and they're here, so I'm super excited! A few of them are going to pop in today, to say 'hello' and talk a bit about how they're working smarter, not harder. Listen in to find out about how they're doing that.

I'm really grateful to be having this retreat in my home. Remember though, that these people were already enrolled in a program and I've known them for a few months now. Neither my husband nor I would allow just anybody into our home.  What's really cool about having them come here is this sense of connection, on a different level to the online portion of the Mastermind. I almost regretted doing it here, because I had to get my house ready- it's a bit like having a party, so everything had to be a bit cleaner than normal. But, now that it's here, I'm really glad, because I did not have to travel out on Tuesday, and then back again on Friday- and I get to sleep in my own bed!

Even though we're just barely into the retreat, it was really great to start developing deeper relationships with everyone, through hearing all of them share their unique stories last night. This morning, we've just kicked off and I'm truly loving doing this from my house, so this might really be something that I will do again, in the future. Listen in as I introduce you to the ladies. I really think you will love hearing what they're doing and how they're doing it. Remember that next week we will have a Q&A about anything you want to hear about working smarter, not harder. 

Some highlights are:

“So, first off, I am a twin Momma Bear, to four-year-olds, and my day job is as an emergency trained Veterinarian.” From minute 3:52 Amber talks about herself, her life and how she's working smarter, not harder, to help other moms to live their most optimum life, focusing on brain and gut connections. Her website is amberlangleygill.com

“I'm a Speech Language Pathologist and I'm kinda just down the road from Stacy.” From minute 7:21, Jann talks about what she does and how she's working smarter, not harder. She's always looking ahead with her business practice, however, she's realized, through this Mastermind, that the time frame that she's looking ahead with isn't quite as big a picture as it should be. Her website is speechworksllc.com.

“So, I'm Julie Ruley and I'm a single mom of four amazing children.” From minute 9:09  Julie, from Mom On A Mission, talks about herself, her kids, her website, how she became a Mom On A Mission and how she's working smarter, not harder to get everything done through enlisting her kids. She really wants to empower other women to follow their dreams and turn their goals into a purpose. Her website is momsonamissionclub.com.

“Well, I'm a big advocate in productivity.” From minute 13:10, Cheryl talks about what she's doing and how she's working smarter, not harder. Cheryl became aware of how many women, herself included, were trapped in a career that they didn't love any more, so she launched Elite Women In Business, to help them to get off the corporate treadmill, seize their passion and go out and create their own businesses. Cheryl had a real Bucket List Moment when she was invited by John Lee Dumas, to be a guest on EOFire Podcast. It is recorded two months in advance, so in those two months, she really wanted to leverage the exposure and get some long term benefits from that amazing opportunity. The funny thing is that the show aired on July the 4th, when Cheryl and her family were away on vacation, with no internet connection, so she only got to hear the show an almost week after it aired! She did, however, make sure, prior to leaving for her vacation, that she automated ads to run to the link to that podcast. She also had a blog post prepared to go out and she'd pre-scheduled all her Facebook posts, to give the links to the show notes. Due to having taken the time to pre-plan all of that, she came home to a really huge number of new hot contacts. Her website is elitewomeninbusiness.com.


There will be another Profit Mastermind in September, again with the optional upgrade to a Retreat. To get onto the waiting list, go to bit.ly/launchedin90.