#194: Summer Series Online Business Q and A with Stacy Tuschl

Well-Oiled Operations with Stacy Tuschl - A podcast by Stacy Tuschl


Stacy Tuschl is a speaker, business coach, and the owner of The Academy of Performing Arts in Wisconsin. She is the author of the book “Is Your Business Worth Saving?” where she reveals proven strategies for pulling entrepreneurs out of a rut and launching them toward business success.

Today, we're doing another Q&A session. The last one we did was really so good- in fact it was one of our most popular podcast episodes to date! I really love having these Q&A's! I love being able to jump right in and have you join us live and get some questions answered. We also have had some people submit their questions beforehand, just in case they can't make it live, so listen in, as we dive right in today, wrapping up our series for the month of July, which is all about working smarter, not harder.


Show highlights: 

“I've just got back from an event on Monday and Tuesday and one of the things I've noticed from going to Live Events- and also posting my Live Events, is...” From minute 1:33, Stacy shares a big difference that she's noticed between herself, as a visionary, and others, when it comes to working smarter, not harder, after coming home from Live Events. This is about seeing the bigger picture, rather than the tedious little ones that tend to overwhelm you.

“I want to start a podcast, but I don't know how to manage finding the time.” From minute 2:57, Stacy answers a question about how to find more time, in an already busy schedule. Here, Stacy explains about re-purposing. She takes just one piece of content and uses it all over the place!

“I'm thinking about using Facebook notes, rather than a separate blog- what do you, or anyone else in this group, think of that?” At minute 6:30, Jessica asks a question about saving time, using Facebook notes, rather than writing a separate blog. Stacy comes up with a number of different ideas here and explains about picking your niche and attracting the type of people that you want to come to you.

“What are the best methods for managing time spent with existing clients?” At minute 8:03, Stacy talks about the fine line between engaging with your clients and giving them your attention, and when they expect too much and begin crossing your boundaries. Here she explains how to remain in charge of your boundaries, in order for you to run your business and not have it running you.

“What do you do when you realise- okay, I don't have boundaries set and I've been letting them break them?” From minute 11:30, Stacy explains what you can do, right this second, if you realise that you haven't set any boundaries with your clients and things are out of control. She explains how you can set new levels of expectation.

“When you are trying to give away these bonuses and perks and and all of this...” From minute 14:37, Stacy explains how you can throw in perks and bonuses, and still make it scalable, without giving away your time.

“I have an email provider- well the email provider could, at any moment, go bankrupt, or anything and those emails are just gone.” From minute 15:52, Stacy talks about the types of unforeseen things that people just don't think about, with the things that they do not own, like email providers. So your eggs should never all be in one basket.

“Do you think having a Facebook Group versus just having a Fan Page is important? I'm afraid that it would take up too much of my time.” From minute 12.23, Stacy answers Natasha's question and explains some confusing bits of Facebook, relating to the personal and business aspects of your profile. Linking your Personal Profile to your Business Page and your Group, on Facebook, really saves you time. You definitely do need a Fan Page- if you don't, it means that you're not running Facebook Ads and you really should be doing that, because everybody's target market is on Facebook. Again, this relates to re-purposing.

“If you can properly tag your Friends, to whatever category they should be in, it would be really great to show entrepreneurs certain things, but I don't want my sister to have to watch, or my mother-in-law to have to watch.” From minute 19:39, Stacy talks about how to properly tag on Facebook, so that only the right people see the things that you post.

“In my Group, I might be doing something a little extra, or a little bonus, but the Group is about engagement and it's where we have our big challenges.” From minute 21:48, Stacy explains how she makes great use of her Facebook Group for her big challenges. She has one coming up in September and she points out the massive changes that you will see, in the Group, when the challenge happens. It goes to literally hundreds of posts per day!

“I really think that you need to be having all three of them- and that sounds so overwhelming, but, when you use a scheduling tool...” From minute 22:15, Stacy explains that by using a Scheduling Tool to create automated posts, you really can use a Fan Page, a Group and a Business Page on Facebook, without becoming overwhelmed. Stacy uses Meet Edgar.

“We've had Brand Ambassadors, so people that I'm coaching in my Profit Mastermind, my Profit Mastermind members have stepped up to the plate and have been the Brand Ambassador for the week.” From minute 23:01, Stacy explains how the members of her Profit Mastermind have really stepped up and become her Brand Ambassadors for the week. She's fully utilising these leaders and showing their capabilities out there, and it's also a test run for them, so this is another way that Stacy is working smarter, not harder.

“Where do I need to look to get a phone number on Google?” From minute 24:10, Stacy answers Amanda's question and explains that by going to Google Voice, you can get a free Google Phone Number in there. Stacy explains the benefits of having this option and also why she really loves having Google Voice.

“It's always, always in the preparation and not in the performance.” At minute 27:17, Stacy explains why you really need to focus on being prepared.

“ August is going to be all about Product Development.” From minute 27:55, Stacy talks about what's coming up in August. The focus will be on creating a better product for your customer.

“Heading into September, we are launching a challenge and we will be relaunching another round of Profit mastermind.” At minute 28:36, Stacy talks about what you can expect to be coming up, in September.