#229: 5 Easy Steps To Restructuring Your Calendar More Efficiently In The New Year!

Well-Oiled Operations with Stacy Tuschl - A podcast by Stacy Tuschl


"Step 1: Take a little vacation."  At minute 2:47 Stacy talks about taking a vacation, or even a 'staycation' to clear your head.   She explains how this will help you to work smarter and not harder in 2018.  

"Step #2: Re-do your vision board."   At 4:14 Stacy discusses how she re-did her vision board.  She describes the steps she takes to create her own vision board and tells you what she has on hers.   Your vision board will describe your 'why' for the upcoming year.   

"Step #3:  The Brain Dump."  At minute 6:57 Stacy explains her system of brain dumping. She provides you with an in depth look at her morning routine and how she plans out her day, which includes her morning and evening routines, planning out meals and more. 

"Proactive versus Reactive Work." At minute 9:00 Stacy goes over the differences between proactive and reactive work.  She provides several examples of what's on her list.   

  • Proactive- The 'move the needle' type things in your business. Big stuff that will make a difference in your year.   Interviews, FB Lives, connections with other entrepreneurs, working on funnels, webinars, content creation, program development.  Team meetings.  
  • Reactive- Checking email, Google Boomerang, Voxer, facebook engagement, private calls, coaching calls, group calls, Monday.com, 


"My morning routine..." At minute 14:47 Stacy gives you a description of exactly how she starts her morning.  Her typical routine includes meditation, affirmations, gratitude and review of her big goals. She also talks about the 'extra' things she does in the morning if her schedule permits.  She explains how to find a rhythm and routine that works for you, everyone is different! 

"Wrap up your workday."  At 20:18 Stacy talks about how she winds down her day and the steps that she takes to make sure she has time for her family and to unplug.   

"Step #4: Create Boundaries."  At minute 26:45 Stacy talks about how she creates boundaries. She provides great tips on what she has planned for her year that can help you be very intentional with your time.     

"Step #5: Map out your calendar."  At 29:38 Stacy tells you how she maps out and color codes her calendar. She explains the importance of this so you can see what's working and what is not.  

"Quick Tips"  At minute 30:28 Stacy goes in depth with 5 great tips to set up the year for success!  They include: 

  • Color code
  • Set up your own schedule
  • After you're comfortable with your schedule, put it in your personal calendar
  • Don't forget about personal stuff!
  • Create a note in your calendar to hold yourself accountable

Join us on Facebook in the She's Building Her Empire group!  Together with thousands of other like-minded women we'll work together to make sure 2018 is your best and most successful year!

Don't forget to put Stacy's weekly Facebook Live's in your calendar for 2018!  She'll be live on Wednesday's at 12Noon Central Time on her Facebook fan page @StacyTuschl