Gaining Clarity and Sticking to Your Goals

Well-Oiled Operations with Stacy Tuschl - A podcast by Stacy Tuschl


December is oftentimes the season of giving. But it’s also the season of goal-setting. With the year coming to a close, most business owners are now starting to wonder: “How can next year be better?” In response, many of us will start to go back to the drawing board… And think of the goals we want to achieve next year. But a majority of these business owners usually fail. Why? Because they end up not sticking to their goals! I know, I know… Sticking to your goals is not easy. That’s why in this episode of the Well-Oiled Operations™ Podcast, I talk about everything you need to know about how to set goals and stick to them until the very end. The Key Questions Why do most business owners find it hard to stick to their goals? How can I pick the best theme and focus for me this 2023?  Why and when should I reward myself?  What’s going to make next year different? What You’ll Learn The biggest problem with goal-setting The value of writing down your goals The difference between the theme and the focus of your year Why there are no unrealistic goals but only unrealistic timelines Learn More Join our Protect Your Profit webinar click here. Book a consult with us Did you love today’s episode? 1. Take a screenshot and share it to your IG stories. Tag me @stacytuschl! 2. Leave us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts! _______________ Ways to work with Stacy: 1. Snag our most talked about System - How to Hire an A-Player Assistant in 14 Days Or Less Here. 2. To learn more about Well-Oiled Operations click here.