Well-Oiled Operations with Stacy Tuschl - A podcast by Stacy Tuschl


Stacy Tuschl is a speaker, business coach, and the owner of The Academy of Performing Arts in Wisconsin. She is the author of the book “Is Your Business Worth Saving?” where she reveals proven strategies for pulling entrepreneurs out of a rut and launching them toward business success.

Welcome back to another episode of the Foot Traffic podcast!!

Today on the podcast I am sharing my 5 biggest takeaways from Russel Brunson's Funnel Hacking Live conference. I know how much you love the episodes where I give you tangible action items to grab and start implementing yourself! 

The last episode I did like this was released on Christmas day and it was titled 10 Things I Won’t Repeat in 2020, so if you happened to miss that make sure to check it out after today’s show. 

Anytime you can grab tangible lessons from others that save you time and money - always say yes to that opportunity!

Here are a few highlights from the podcast you won’t want to miss:

"I can't tell you how many times I think 'I wish I would have known about this 10 years ago'..." at 7:22 Stacy explains the cost of waiting too long to take action on your dreams.  Stacy provides an example of an opportunity she missed out on because she didn't take action years ago.  

"The one that will make me the most money coming in..." at 10:16 Stacy talks about how sales truly start when a client becomes a member.  Where are you leaving money on the table by not providing options to your customers?  

"Every business needs a framework..." at 12:58 Stacy discusses what she learned about business frameworks.    Does your business have one?    Stacy explains the importance of having a framework no matter what type of business you have.   


P.S. Did you have a severe case of FOMO during Social Media Marketing World?  No worries, on Monday, March 9th at 11:30am CST/9:30am PST, I am going live in my FREE FB Group talking about My Top Takeaways from Social Media Marketing World  You don’t want to miss this! Are you a part of the Foot Traffic Community?! Make sure to click here to join now! 

P.P.S. Do you want to learn how to master the techniques that will dramatically increase your traffic? I want to invite you to join me in the Foot Traffic Formula Virtual Workshop, happening March 23rd-27th, 2020. I hope to have you join me!! Click here to register now!