1. Pregnant in a pandemic - tools, techniques and tips to help you
For Modern Mothers Podcast - A podcast by Susan Bradley

As this podcast was birthed in the global coronavirus pandemic, it seemed right that the first episode would be about some thoughts and strategies on how to cope better in a pandemic, to navigate this difficult time - particularly when you are pregnant. Because I know that so many women in my pregnancy yoga classes, and also the couples on my hypnobirthing and birth preparation courses have talked to me about this recently. It’s understandably a hot topic of conversation.
So I’m going to share with you in this podcast, episode 1, some things that I think could be helpful in coping with all that's going on in the world, and so feel calmer and more positive I hope. My particular slant is in your pregnancy, but so many of these tips and techniques will work for anyone during these challenging times, not just pregnant women.
I've really crammed in lots of good stuff, and I really hope it helps.
If you want to learn more about how to support yourself through trying to conceive, pregnancy, birth and motherhood, you can find out more about all of my classes, courses and programs for pregnant women on my website - www.formodernmothers.com, as well as lots of articles I have written too on my blog, as well as birth stories from other women to inspire you.
You can also join me too on Instagram: @formodernmothers and Facebook @formodernmothers
Susan x