2. The Truth About Baby Sleep

For Modern Mothers Podcast - A podcast by Susan Bradley


OK so this is a subject that is always being discussed in my Mum & Baby Yoga classes. It causes a lot of worry and stress for all new, and not so new, parents - BABY SLEEP!

There are so many books and 'methods' about babys sleep, but what is actually science and evidence based?

What is 'normal' baby sleep? And how can you encourage baby to sleep in a gentle and calm way?

We look at all of this and lots more in my chat with expert Lauren of Calm Family York. Lauren is an amazing Calm Family Consultant and Parenting Coach. Helping parents raise children in a calm and loving way.

You can find out more about her amazing workshops and one to one sessions here - https://www.facebook.com/BabyCalmToddlerCalmYork/

And don't forget to subscribe to the For Modern Mothers Podcast for the latest conversations on all things modern motherhood. Or head to my For Modern Mothers Platform too for all things pregnancy, birth and motherhood - www.formodernmothers.com and join me on Instagram here https://www.instagram.com/formodernmothers/

Susan x