6. The Truth About Breastfeeding

For Modern Mothers Podcast - A podcast by Susan Bradley


My guest in this episode is the hugely experienced Lactation Consultant Caroline Bolton. I really wanted to chat with her about dispelling some of the myths about feeding babies, as much information we are passed down is simply out of date (or was never even true in the first place!). And caring for and feeding a baby is hard enough, without misinformation.

I was also delighted that many of the questions for this podcast episode came from my lovely For Modern Mothers community on mothers-to-be and mothers, after a call on my Facebook group. It's so great to be able share knowledge and information that you all want to know.

We talk about a whole range of things, including....

~ should breastfeeding hurt?

~ is it easy?

~ feeding after a caesarean birth

~ why is breastfeeding good for you and baby?

~ will a bottle help baby sleep through the night?

~ can breastfeeding be used as contraception?

~ will it give me saggy boobs?

Some of the resources we talked about:

Find Caroline Bolton here https://www.facebook.com/Caroline-Bolton-Lactation-Consultant-1129483150428508/ - 07702 553650

Association of Breastfeeding Mothers (ABM) - https://abm.me.uk/

Breastfeeding Network https://www.breastfeedingnetwork.org.uk/

Treasure Chest. Free support group on York (if you are in a different part of the world then do google for a local group) https://treasurechest.org.uk/

You can find all the show notes here: https://www.formodernmothers.com/podcast