5. WHERE should your baby sleep? A science & anthropological based approach.

For Modern Mothers Podcast - A podcast by Susan Bradley


This is another episode on that topic ever-present on the minds of new (and not so new) Mothers - baby sleep. Specifically WHERE babies should sleep, what is safe, and what science and research tells us about safe infant sleep. As well an a little about anthropology and where the current western cultural norm of babies sleeping in cots came from. Because as you may well know by now, in my courses and programs I take a holistic but evidence-based approach - so I love a real bit of research and always advocate informed choice. Because then pregnant women and mothers can make real informed decisions that are right for them.

I am delighted to be joined for this episode by Alice Keegan of the Durham University Parent-Infant Sleep Lab team. The research that Alice and the team do is all aimed to provide a scientific knowledge which can then enable parents to make their own informed choices about infant sleep and night time baby care. Informed by anthropology and human cultures around the world, as well as looking at safe practices for babies and dispelling some baby sleep myths (that might well have a history rooted in capitalism and the patriarchy...)

We talk about so much, including: 

~ Safe sleeping

~ Bedsharing, room sharing and co-sleeping

~ Caring for your baby at night

~ Side-cars and sleep pods

~ Routines

~ When do babies need to be in their own room?

You can find out so much more brilliant information as a parent at the Baby Sleep Infant Source - BASIS here https://www.basisonline.org.uk/  As well as the bed sharing quiz.

And the free app that Alice mentions is here too - https://www.basisonline.org.uk/infant-sleep-info-app/ 

Full show notes are at https://www.formodernmothers.com/podcast

And don't forget to subscribe to the For Modern Mothers Podcast for the latest conversations on all things modern motherhood. Or head to my For Modern Mothers Platform too for all things pregnancy, birth and motherhood - www.formodernmothers.com and join me on Instagram here https://www.instagram.com/formodernmothers/

Susan x