S1 EP1: Sexuality and Spirituality Are Connected

Forget Everything You Think You Know - A podcast by Monique C Ruffin

The Scorpio New Moons bring us to one of the most powerful times of the year. Scorpio governs our sexuality, the 2nd chakra, and creative power. Scorpio uncovers what’s beneath the surface, including the aspects we run from, deny and attempt to hide, the shadow. Scorpio rules our sexuality and our ability to alchemize energy from one frequency to another. Think of a woman taking an egg and sperm and making a human in her womb. In this episode, my guest Kirti and Shophar explore sexuality, energy, and tantra as new but ancient forms of healing and a way of approaching life like an adventure. Kirti Srivastava website: https://www.dilseculture.com/  Shopar: http://foshoenergywork.com/